We are not the Champions

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Hi everyone. I finally got this chapter out. I think it's a pretty long one. I'm really tired because I just stayed up to finish this, so I'm going to keep this short. Thank you so much everyone who commented in the past couple days. They're big motivators. Also, the likes are adding up. You guys are super awesome for that, and I wish everyone the best. Remember read, vote, and comment.

Good night pretties...


With a large basket in one hand, banging against my leg with every step and a towel in the other hand, I walked with Harrison by my side to the pool. Before we left, I had asked Carol to pack us a lunch for later. She had of course questioned where we were going. I had told her, knowing she wouldn't care that much. While I was changing in to my swimsuit, Carol had packed sandwiches, fruit, chips, and cookies for our lunch in the basket. I ended up with having to carry over the lunch with the help of Harrison. He however, didn't help a lick. I had been lugging the basket the entire way so far. Harrison would just come up with an excuse to have me keep carrying it.

The rest of the team had ran ahead with their towels in hand. All of them clad in t-shirts and swim trunks. Not bothering to see if we needed any kind of help. Well, actually more like if I needed help. I had given Walker directions to how to get there. Since he was probably one of the more responsible ones. Before I had even gone up to the room to change in to my swimsuit, the boys had taken off. I had thrown on a t-shirt and a pair of jean shorts over my bathing suit before going to get the basket of lunch.

"How much farther is it? I'm hot," Harrison whined. He kicked along a rock and dragged his feet. His shaggy brown hair was damp and sticking to his forehead.

Harrison was right. The heat today was most definitely sweltering. The pavement and asphalt was steaming and parts were soft from the temperatures. It had to be well over 100 degrees, and the humidity makes it seem about 10 degrees hotter. Sweat dripped down my back, and Harrison's forehead was running with perspiration. The baby hairs that wouldn't go in to my messy bun were sticking straight out to the sides of head. They were slowly curling in to ringlets that wouldn't tuck behind my ears. The pool sounded especially nice now.

"Almost there," I answered, adjusting the basket handle to sit in the crook of my arm.

Whoops and yelling suddenly cut the thick air to reach us. I could see the pool sign, which was probably about 100 yards down the street.

"Is that it, up by the sign?" Harrison asked impatiently tapping on the basket.

I knew he was hot right now and wanted to swim and cool off rather than slowly walking in the heat with me. It was only fair to Harrison that I let him go ahead.

"Go on. I'll be there in a few minutes," I urged him pushing his back.

"You sure?" he prodded, starting to jog.

I waved my hand as a signal for him to go ahead.

"Thanks, Glor," Harrison called over his shoulder. He began running down the street. His flip flops smacking the ground with each stride. The skinny legs that carried him along were pale and practically glowing from the sun beating down on them.

Checking my phone for the time, the clock read 11:27. We had about 5 and half hours till we would have to get back to shower and get ready for dinner.

When I finally got to the sign, the noise coming from within the fence was even louder. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at their immaturity. Who knows what they were up to. I made my way to the side fence to get over. The fence didn't have any holes to put your feet on to help you over, so I was going to need a little help from them, sadly.

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