Embarrassment and Revenge go Hand in Hand

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Edited (6/23/20)

My face was bright red as I went flying down the rock path. My legs could not carry me fast enough to get away from the field. My cleats were skidding across the rocks, but I kept going. I hadn't bothered taking them off and changing into tennis shoes since that would require staying in the presence of all the guys longer. Coach hadn't exactly dismissed us, but at this point, I could care less. That was the last out we had to get anyway. If he had a problem with me getting the heck out of there, we could talk about it later. 

Anger was pulsing through my entire body as I ran. Miles was absolutely infuriating and the fact that he pretended to be my ally half the time and then embarrass me the other half enraged me. I didn't need someone gaslighting me. 

"Gloria, wait?" I heard Miles yell. Speak of the devil. 

The sudden sound of his voice startled me. Why was he following me after just humiliating me in front of everyone? The call of my name shocked me enough that my foot tripped on the path and my other cleat only skidded out underneath me. Both my feet flew up in front of me and suddenly I was falling backwards. Lucky for me, my bat bag was backpack style and cushioned my fall slightly. Well, it was more like it made me fall on my helmet. It wasn't much better than hitting the ground. The hard plastic of the helmet was no pillow.

I hit the ground with a thud and I was now flat on my back in the middle of the path. 

"Ow," I groaned loudly. Although I luckily didn't hit my head on the ground, the force of the helmet into my back was not a good feeling. I would be feeling this one tomorrow morning. 

"Holy shit. Gloria, are you okay?" Miles asked, running up behind me and skidding to a stop.  

"Do I look okay to you?" I snarled. My patience for him had disappeared.

He came up beside me and kneeled down. No, not really."

I could tell he was holding back a chuckle, but his eyes also held a look of concern as he looked me over for any immediate injuries. 

"Does anything hurt?" he questioned gently. 

"What do you think? I just landed flat on my back. My back hurts."

"That's it?"

"Was my first answer not good enough for you?"

"Okay, geez. I was just making sure, you were alright."

"Well, I didn't ask for your help and you are the one who got me in this predicament."

"That's a big word for you."

"Shut up," I said smacking his shoulder.

"No need to be aggressive,"  he chided me, shifting to a position that was out of reach for my fist. Smart guy. I was two seconds from beating the shit out of him. 

"You're the one provoking me!" I cried, throwing him a narrowed look.

"Would you like some help up?"

"No, I'm going to lie here like a dead turtle until tomorrow when we have practice," I said with a straight face.

He laughed at that, then stood up.

"Fine, suit yourself," he said looking down at me with an amused smile. 

I took my arms out of the straps of the backpack and stood up. I winced at the pain in my back that shot up my spine. I definitely had a bruise forming back there. 

Before I could move to pick my bag up off the ground, Miles was already slinging it over his shoulder along with his own.

"Excuse me, what are you doing?" I asked reaching for my bag.

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