Mr. Beauty Queen and Me

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Hello my favorite people!

No, this is not another chapter for Can't Stand You. This is the summary for my next book!!!! *crazy applause* Thank you thank you.

Anyway, I've had this idea floating around in my head for a while and it's a concept that's very different from anything I've seen on Wattpad. This is just the rough description that I've been working on. Let me know what you think. I won't be posting any chapters for a little while because I want to focus on editing Can't Stand You first. I think I definitely grew as a writer during that process, so the first half of the book needs a bit of a cleanup.

Please let me know what you guys think of the summary.

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And now for the first time on Wattpad, I present "Mr. Beauty Queen and Me"!

Lucy Markson has been dragged along to beauty pageants since she could remember, but not for her, for her two sisters. Out of the three siblings, she has been considered the quiet, responsible middle child her whole life. The one with the wild curly dark hair and thick glasses. The sister that blends into the background during the extravagant parties her family is invited to in Mountain Brook, Alabama. It seemed like the trend would only continue for her senior year as well. However, a certain Sam Reeves, her older sister's biggest rival in pageants, stumbles in to her life (quite literally). Sam is one of the most popular guys in school and flips through girls like a magazine. Lu has been weary of the cheeky brunette since her older sister started pageants, yet the rebellious factor of Sam allures her. After meeting his archenemy's younger sister, Sam devises a proposition that changes everything for Lucy and him. In the midst of this agreement, Lu begins to find the meaning of being her own person and loving herself because of Sam. He in turn, shares his biggest fears and lets Lu in to his not-so-perfect life, but can they really be friends or something more with such opposing families?

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