Full of Shit

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Hola everyone! Thank you so much for the gazillionth time. You guys are truly great and now there is quite a few people out there. I'm so sorry for the slow updates. It's really hard right now to find time to write because I had three games a week for all of April. It's been pretty exhausting, so then when I do have a little bit of time, I don't have motivation to write. Sorry for my procrastination. It's a very serious disease... not really but it gives me an excuse.

So I usually thank someone every time I update, and this time I would like to thank jcfuriak for commenting. She definitely lit a fire under my but to get on updating. Also thank you Girl_with_many_Masks, you are my favorite person right now because you vote for every single chapter. I freaking love you.

If you guys have any book suggestion for me that would be great. I like finding really good books on here, and I bet you guys know which ones are worth reading. Finally, just read, vote, and comment please. It would mean the world to me if more people commented and voted. Thank you for reading a very boring author's message. You are now dismissed to read. Oh and pretty please vote and comment.

Love you guys! Muah!!!


Days went by quick and soon it was already three weeks after the first day. True to his word, Coach made us have practice every single day. We had easier workouts on the weekends, but weekdays were absolute hell.

Slowly but surely, the guys on the team have warmed up to Harrison and me. A few of them are still hard to crack, but now we can actually have different throwing and hitting partners and talk to other people than just ourselves. Miles was still as annoying as ever, but I could now have a, for the most part, civilized conversation with him.

We start games in three weeks, which is an eternity away. I want to just start playing, but I know when games do come around that Harrison and I will most likely be riding the bench. Coach was still one of the ones who hasn't warmed up to us yet. The silent treatment isn't in effect anymore, but he barely talks to me, unless it's yelling at me.

The whole Dad conversation had been luckily avoided every time it's brought up. Miles had prompted me a couple times to talk about Dad, but I would maneuver around it and bring up something else. I know I can't hide it forever because eventually he's just going to flat out ask about it. Even then I'm going to avoid it. That's the part of me that is not going to be public knowledge. It's not a topic I like to talk to anyone about.

Today was Wednesday, which means we still have two more days till the weekend. I was aimlessly pushing my cereal around in the milk as the rest of the camp filtered in to the cafeteria. I had my head propped up in the palm of my hand. My head was stuck in a drowsy haze. I was getting enough sleep, but all the physical activity was taking a toll on me. I could feel my eyes slowly closing, and the spoon grew heavy.

A small tug on my pony tail snapped me out of the daze, and the spoon flipped out of my hand and clattered on the table. Some of the milk flipped up and droplets hit my face and dribbled on my clothes.

"Damn it," I muttered.

"Stay awake there, G," Jackson said, smiling at the fact that he had caught me dozing off.

"But I'm tired, Jacky," I said with a baby voice.

I grabbed a napkin from the basket in the middle of the table and dabbed at my shirt.

"You have some on your nose and chin, too," Jackson said pointing at the drops.

"I know," I quipped smacking his hand away.

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