The Final Inning

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Holy shit, this is it! Lol that rhymed, but this is the last chapter/epilogue.

Let me start by saying that this is indeed the last chapter of the book. I will not be doing a sequel. I like to keep that open to your interpretation. Plus, I don't want to tire out the same idea. I will be doing some editing for this story and cleaning up of details.

I still cannot believe that it's finally complete. This was a two year process that I enjoyed throughly because of your guys' support. Thank you so much for sticking with me. I know I'm a bit slow in the update department.

I will be starting another book in the near future. I have two ideas in mind at the moment, which I'm playing with. I'll post a little teaser when I decide which one I'll pursue first.

For the last time for this book, please read, vote, comment, and of course fan. Love you guys.


*9 months later* (SHES NOT PREGANT)

I tugged at the silky fabric of my gown, making sure the Velcro was secured in the front. Brushing back a stray piece of red hair, curled into a long ringlet.

"Gloria, if you keep touching your hair, the curls are going to come out," my mom advised. A smile was still glued to her face and had been there since we woke up this morning.

Even though my mom was happy to see me graduate and accomplish something this big, I couldn't help but notice the sadness that was behind her eyes. I was leaving her, and we were the only person the other one had. I had gotten into Georgetown in December because of early decision and signed my letter of intent for baseball just last month. Thankfully, Georgetown isn't far from my house, so I could visit her every weekend if I wanted to, but this was the beginning of a new chapter for us. One without the other right there.

Over the past couple months, however, a man had come into my mom's life. Adam was great for my mom and someone that I knew was right for her. He could never replace my dad in either of our hearts, and he was ok with that. He still adored my mom and would be there for her since I wouldn't be at home as much.

He had even come to my graduation, standing behind my mom with the same smile.

A few feet away was Ellie being nitpicked by her mom, fixing the gown, cap, and her hair. Always the worrier between our moms. Ellie batted her hands away, along with whining, which was nothing new from her.

I turned on my phone to check for a certain text I had been waiting for. Nothing.

I had told Miles my graduation date for weeks now, and I already knew he couldn't make it.since it was the day of their second round playoff game for the high school championship. We had lost for the Maryland one already, but placed 5th in the state.

I hadn't seen Miles in weeks. The last few months of high school have been crazy for the both of us and visits just haven't been working out. Throughout the year, they maybe happened once a month, twice if we were lucky. Texting was every day, but it just wasn't the same.

The visit to George Mason for him went perfectly and he was offered a scholarship on the spot. He took it without hesitation. For the next four years, we would be only thirty minutes apart. Possibly less, if we end up moving in together like we plan.

I couldn't lie that I was a bit irritated he hadn't texted me today. Not even a good job, good luck, or I'm proud of you.

I threw my phone back into my mom's purse, so it wouldn't be lost.

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