The Discovery and the Cheap Shot

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Hi... I know you probably all hate me like a lot because I took forever and a half to update last time. I am trying to dedicate time everyday to write, but my weekly schedule is ridiculous. I'm not going to tell you all about it because it's boring and you are most likely not interested.

There are so many readers now, and it's really amazing and exciting. Every time I look, there a few more reads, and every once in a while there is another vote. I'm going to keep this Author's note short and make the chapter long. Read, vote, and comment what you think!!!!

K thanks. You guys are great.


For the next two days, I worked hard at every practice and conditioning session. Everyone else did as well. Not one person took the chance of possibly not getting Friday off. It just so happened though, that Wednesday and Thursday were the hottest days of the week. And unfortunately, Friday was suppose to be even hotter. Looks like we'll not be spending much time outside.

Unfortunately, even practicing in the morning didn't help that the sun was beating down on us and the humidity sat on your skin like a fur jacket. I could only imagine how the team, who practices in the afternoon feels.

Even though we were inside during the afternoon for conditioning, the summer heat found its way inside. The air conditioner in the weight room could not blow out enough cold air to satisfy us as we lifted weights. The hot air was just blown around. A couple fans were pulled in, but nothing helped the boiling temperature. Sweat trickled down our faces, backs, necks, and made our hands slick. A case of water was brought at all times to practices and conditioning because we were losing so much water from sweating. Luckily, no one has passed out or thrown up from heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

It had been silent for the last two days at dinner. No one had enough energy to crack a joke or even start a conversation for that matter. On Thursday night looking around the table, there was a sense of relief like a weight had been lifted off our shoulders. There wasn't really a plan for what we were going to do tomorrow, but I don't think anyone wanted a real structured plan for the day off.

Thursday night, Miles and I agreed on not putting an alarm. Although, no sleeping beyond noon. I went to bed feeling good about getting a few more hours of sleep that night.


My eyelids started opening to the sun coming through the blinds. I laid in bed, feeling refreshed about not having to rush to get ready for breakfast and practice. I clicked on my phone and found it to be 8:30. Not exactly the number of extra hours I wanted, but an extra hour and a half would work. I let my body slowly wake up before making any attempt of getting up. Stretching my arms over my head, I sat up and yawned.

The room was dim from the bit of light coming in from the blinds. The air conditioner rattled quietly in the corner. I blinked and waited for my eyes to adjust. The usual light puppy snoring came from the other side of the room like every morning. Miles was still sleeping away as usual.

Every morning, I had to wake him up, so he wouldn't be late. Sometimes it was a simple poke in the arm or shoulder, but other times he was stubborn about not getting up and it took several minutes to get him up. Most of the time, I would grow impatient pretty fast and just hit or yelled at him to get up. That would usually lead to an argument before I would storm out of the room because he was being such a jackass. Keep in mind I am an only child, so I don't have to deal with these things. My mom was the one who would have to deal with trying to get me up.

I tried putting my legs out to stand, but cramps stopped me from taking a step. The practices and conditionings were catching up to me. I probably needed to take a light jog/walk to loosen them up. Most people just want to lay around when they are sore because they don't want anything to hurt any more than it already does, but you actually are suppose to do some kind of light exercise to break up the build up of acids in your muscles. My mom being an ex-D1 soccer player has a lot of tricks for muscle cramps and soreness. I rarely have a day after a game or practice where I was allowed to sit around. Mom would always make me do something to not have muscle tenses or cramps. Not exactly what I want to do after having an exhausting day the day before, but I always knew it would help in the long run.

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