Don't Test Me

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Thank you!!! Thank you!! Thank you!!!!! A million times thank you! Over 100 reads, that's pretty great. I had no idea I would even get over 20. You guys are amazing. A special shout out to my first commenter and another follower, Haleynialler667. Thank you for being amazing, sweetheart. So anymore people with some feedback? Seriously drop a line about what you think and like it up. I'm sorry that updates have been slow. Softball and school have officially taken over my life. Lucky for you guys and me, I'm on spring break and we are driving to San Diego. Six hours in the car sounds like a great time for writing.

So I anyways, finally decided that Ellie's character would be mildly based off Annasophia Robb's look. It's not exactly what I had in mind because I did base the look off my best friend, so you know. Oh and another super hot guy that is representing someone in my book is Liam Hemsworth for Jackson. It's like exactly what I imagined too.

K, you guys know what to do.


The silent treatment went on for all of practice, and when we were in the weight room. He barely looked at me when he was hitting ground balls my direction. Not a word escaped his lips directed towards me. I didn't even try to talk to him. If he was going to be an ass, I'll just do the same. As mentally unstable as I sound, I wanted him to yell at me instead of this. It's a good sign if coaches give you constant corrections and yell at you. It means they think you have potential and can do better. The silence is just a nice way of saying they don't think you are any good. I've been yelled at a lot in my life, and it makes you grow. No critiques or criticism just makes you wonder.

We finished practice at the same time we had finished yesterday. The weight room session was the same. No running this time, thank God, but doing some of the lifting made me cringe from my back. Each exercise sent a constricting pain down my spine and across my shoulders. Who knows what exactly I did to it yesterday when I fell, but I knew that whatever I did it hurt like hell. Many times during the time frame we were working out, I had to stop and try to catch my breath from the pain. Harrison watched me carefully the whole time. His thoughtful dark eyes stayed on me, watching for anything serious.

I had made it through the weights session without a peep. No use in complaining about it, then being told that I shouldn't be here for the probably hundredth time. So I was pretty much silent during the whole time until Coach called time and told us we could leave. Harrison and I had gone back to the dorms together and gone our separate ways. I had showered and changed before deciding I wanted to lay down for a while.

Currently, I was laying on my bed with another pack of ice sitting on my back. I had my earbuds in my ears to keep me occupied for the twenty minute cycles, I've been using for the time I keep on the ice. Miles had gone off to Jackson's room, leaving me by myself. I really didn't mind not having him in my hair all the time. My phone buzzed from my bed side table. I stretched my arm out without having to move from my current position. Swiping my finger across the screen, a message from Alyssa popped up on the screen.

Hi Gloria!!! Hope you're having a blast at baseball camp. Nick and I are heading to Ocean City next week. I wish you were coming with us. Text me!

I smiled at the screen and answered the text.

It's going okay here. I wish I was there too. Tell me how OC Beach is when you get there.

I've been going to Ocean City for my whole life during the summer. It's weird not going now. We would always stay in a hotel right on the beach, overlooking the boardwalk. When Dad was alive, we would take walks along the beach together. We would get up at some ungodly time in the morning before anyone else was out yet. The waves would lap up to our bare feet and tickle my toes. The moon and a few stars would still be out as the sun slowly started to peak up from behind the horizon. We would walk for about a hour before going to a small coffee shop on the far side of the boardwalk. I would get hot chocolate with some breakfast pastry. Dad would read the newspaper while I read a book. It was the part of summer breaks I would look forward to the most. The rest of the day we would be on the beach. Mom was always with her big striped umbrella and swim towels. Dad and I would bring the gloves and throw the ball before getting hot and jumping in to the cool salty waves.

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