Summer Plans

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Edited (5/17/20)

"Gloria! You better get moving or you're going be late!" my mom's voice carried from the kitchen, disturbing my post-alarm clock nap.

I grabbed a pillow and covered my head to hopefully block her out and shield my eyes from the sunlight filtering in through my blinds. Even with today being my last day of junior year, I was reluctant to leave my bed and get moving.

"Gloria!" Mom yelled up the stairs louder. The pillow did little to muffle her shrill tone.

I groaned into my covers before pushing the pillow away, so I could stare up at the ceiling. "Mom!" I grumbled back loud enough for her to hear me.

"Gloria Carmen Cantrell, get up or else we're both going to be late. Remember, t's only half day today."

I yawned, stretching my arms and legs out wide to coax myself out of bed. Rolling over to my side so I could glance down over the edge of my bed, I caught sight of my German Shepard, Lenny, who was still sound asleep. My mom and I's shouting up and down the stairs rarely bothered him anymore. Flipping back over on my back, I resumed my staring at the ceiling for a little longer. Maybe if I just stayed here long enough she'll let me just stay home. Like she said, it's only a half day.

"If you don't get up, I'm taking your car keys and you're going to have to walk or take the bus," Mom threatened.

"Alright, alright," I called back, peeling myself off the bed to get ready to go.  Grabbing the stack of clothes I had set out the day before, I shuffled into my bathroom and got to work changing into a pair of jeans and a pale yellow tank top.

Pulling my hair into a bun on top of my head, I brushed my teeth and put on a little makeup to look at least alive this morning. I had gone through the trouble of straightening my hair the day before, so I only had to run a brush through it a couple times when I untangled it from the hair tie.

Taking one last look in the mirror, I fixed the strap of my shirt and decided I was satisfied. I grabbed my backpack from the corner of my room and slid my feet into a pair of sandals. Lenny had taken the liberty of crawling on to my bed since it was now vacant and watched me with half-closed eyes as I got ready to leave.

"Don't get up or anything. I got it," I muttered to him sarcastically. He blew out a breath of air at me, not bothering to lift his head. "You're a piece of work." I gave him a scratch behind the ears as my final farewell and headed downstairs.

My mom was sitting at the counter reading the newspaper and drinking coffee when I finally made an appearance. Her red hair was swept in to a low bun, and she was wearing her favorite pearl necklace that my dad gave her. She never left without looking immaculate for her job as a prosecutor for the state.

"Grab something to eat and then we both need to get going. I'm due in court at 9:00 this morning," she said. She dumped the last of her coffee down the drain and found a place for her mug in the dishwasher. Sliding her laptop case strap over her shoulder, she made her way out the side door.

I grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl on the island and a bagel from the counter before following my mom outside. She was just beginning to back out of the driveway as I unlocked the doors to my own car. She gave me a wide smile and blew me a kiss, which I returned with a wave.

Juggling my backpack, keys, and my breakfast, I tossed my bag into the front seat and slid into the driver's side. I started the car and put on my seatbelt before reversing out of the driveway to get to school.

Switching on the radio, I turned the knob until I found Sports Radio Network. A voice crackled over the radio and started to talk about last night's baseball games. I ate the bagel and banana with one hand as I carefully steered the car through morning rush hour. The network's host started with the Phillies' game, who played St. Louis, then moved on to Detroit and Boston, and finally the Braves and the Nationals game. Being a diehard Nationals fan, I listened closely as the broadcaster reviewed the stat lines and gave a quick commentary of yesterday's game that I had to miss so I could finish up a final paper. I was happy to hear that the Nats had pulled out a close win against one of their divisional rivals.

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