The Caterpillars in my Stomach Have Now Turned into Butterflys

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Hi!!!!! I would like to start by saying I'm so sorry that this  took me two months to complete. It was definitely not my plan to update so late. I know you guys are not exactly thrilled with me, but I'm not super thrilled when someone says something kind of rude.

I am we'll aware that I have been slacking, but I also have had a lot of stuff going on right now. Softball, school, homework, extracurriculars, and all the other crap I have to do. I just don't have as much time as I would like unfortunately. Really though, please think about what you are going to say before posting it. I am a person who takes things to heart.

I really appreciate all the support. It's pretty freaking amazing. This time the goal for comments is to get twelve NICE or CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. Please don't bash me, I'm working hard for you, I promise.

I'm going to end this now because I am so so so tired from not getting enough sleep yesterday. Good night!


My eyes started to crack open at the light that was flooding through the blinds covering the windows. It was too early to be up on an off day. I shut my lids and returned to the warmth that was currently enclosing.

The warmth that was enclosing me.

The warmth.

My eyes snapped opened when I realized there was no possible way that I could be my own warmth, and unfortunately, the blanket did not emit its own heat. My eyes were opened all the way this time and were fully alert. I was staring at a shirt covering a toned chest that I at the moment, didn't recognize. My head wiggled upward to look up at the foreigner in my bed. The mess of blonde hair was a clear sign that I was at the moment engulfed in none other than my roommate's arms.

The events of yesterday flashed through my mind, and I relaxed remembering that I had asked for Miles to stay with me in my bed. No, just kidding that did not relax me, that riled me up more because I had actually asked Miles myself to stay with me in my bed.

What the hell was I thinking? Jesus, Christ. Have I gone crazy? This is the guy that I just realized I liked, and I liked him a whole freaking lot. There we were though. In my bed. Together. Basically hugging. The whole damn night.

I liked him though. Why was I making such a big deal out of this? However, that's probably why this is way more awkward. Because I freaking like him. This doesn't happen in real life. When you like someone, they almost never like you back and from my past experiences, I am forever too much of a wimp to say anything to them. Now, I like someone, and we were currently sleeping in the same bed. The same fucking twin size bed!

While this internal breakdown was happening, I did not move one inch from where I was to not wake Miles up. He was asleep, and it was an off day. Might as well let him enjoy it for a little while.

My face was centimeters from being face first in to Miles's chest, which was freaking me out just a little. The slow breaths that were escaping his nose were blowing in to my hair at a steady pace. It tickled a bit to be honest. It had been a solid five minutes, and I could not lay still any longer.

"Stop fidgeting," a voice finally muttered after several seconds of me shifting around. It was low and laced with sleep, and it was probably one of the hottest things I've ever heard in my life.

"Sorry," I whispered, remaining still as I gazed up at his face.

A slow, sleepy smile appeared on his face as one eye cracked open and looked down at me. His arms pulled me even closer than we were before, so that now my nose was officially smashed in to his shirt. I couldn't help but take a strong smell of his shirt that was always smelling of his cologne. A spicy waft that reminded me of pine trees and peppermint sticks filled my nose.

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