The Wall

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Good morning everyone!!! <3

I finally updated, which is always an accomplishment for me. I say this every chapter, but I mean: I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry it took me so long to update.

You guys are awesome and someone even commented on my page. To that person: I look to see if I updated too. Hoping every time that I finished it.

Anyway, it's a shorter chapter today, but it's pretty important. This is my advanced sorry for when you're done.

So do me a favor pretty please!!!! Vote, comment, and fan like crazy! I have a few days off for Thanksgiving next week and if you guys can you motivate me enough, I bet I can knock out the next chapter.

Thanks for sticking with me!



"Miles, for the love of God, get out of the damn shower!" I yelled through the door for the fifth time, pounding my fist on the door.

A moment later the stream of water stopped hitting the bottom of the bathtub.

"Finally," I muttered. I ran my hand through my sweaty ponytail, practically shivering at my own disgustingness. I know for a fact that I had called getting in the shower first, but somehow the bathroom door slammed shut before I could even gather up my towel and pajamas.

Midway through me yanking more knots out of my unruly hair, the bathroom door banged open with a rush of steam exiting like out of some kind of magic show.

I waved my hand in front of my face to push away the hot air, and I definitely was happy that I did.

Miles stepped out of door frame into the hotel room with only a towel wrapped around his waist. Droplets of water dripped down his chest and ran down his forhead. His hair was plastered down in some places, but also was mused in others from a hand running through it repeatedly.

I was embarrassingly blatantly staring at his muscular upper body that I have seen quite often, but right now, it looked even more yummy than usual. However, my mind flitted to the fact that the only thing covering Miles from going all natural was a small white hotel towel. My face tinged a light pink at the very thought. It didn't stop me from continuing to let my eyes travel over his chest and abs. Of course, I was caught in my open ogling.

"You know I wasn't sure if you would be open to licking me dry, but with that look you're currently giving me, it might not be such a longshot," Miles said cheekily. His hand reached up to run another hand through his hair, obviously flexing his bicep for emphasis.

As much as I appreciated his beautiful arms, I scoffed in "disgust" (more like my own mortification) and shoved him out of the way, so I could get in the bathroom.

I closed the door in his face before he could follow in after me.

"So is that a no then?" he called from the other side of the door.

"Go do it yourself," I yelled back, locking the door, so I wouldn't have any unwelcomed visitors midway through my shower.

"That won't be as much fun."

"Then go get one of the guys to help you."

There was a long pause before he finally replied with, "No, I think you would do a better job."

I pulled the jersey over my head and shook my head at the door. Idiot.

"What? Do you wanna be licked dry instead?" he asked, after realizing I wasn't going to answer.

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