Love Sick Puppies

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Hi friends!

I finally got this chapter out. Yay! You guys probably all are hating me right now because it took me so long, yet again to get this chapter out. IM SORRY!!!!

This is more of a setup chapter for the last few to come, but I hope you enjoy it.

Good news on my end, I got my braces yesterday! Yay, I look less like a middle schooler.

Anyway, I hope you like this chapter and don't want to kill me.

As always, please please please:


"Gloria!" a high pitch squeal erupted from behind me. I jumped at the sound, spinning around to the voice I've had screaming at me for most of my life.

"Ellie!" I couldn't help but shriek back when I caught a sight of my blonde haired best friend. Her light green eyes danced with excitement.

We went running for each other to end up crashing in to one and another and tumbling to floor. Our arms and legs were tangled together, and we were both squeezing the life out of the other.

"I missed you so much," she fake weeped. I giggled at her dramatics, but I would be lying if I said I didn't feel the same way. This was the longest time that Ellie and I had been apart; she was like the other half of me. I rested my head into the waves of blonde hair that were half covering my face. I would assume her face was also plastered by red hair.

"Gloria Cantrell, do I not get a hug?" my mom said, looking on at the mess that was Ellie and me.

"Hi Mom," I greeted her, untangling myself from Ellie. I launched myself at her, snaking my arms around her shoulders.

"It feels like I haven't seen you in forever," she whispered in my ear.

I only nodded in agreement. My mom and Ellie were the two most important people in my life and dealing with this camp without them was rough.

It was only a quick reunion before Ellie was on to the next thing.

"Alright, enough hugging. Where is he?" Ellie prodded, looking around the stadium.

I unwrapped one of my arms from my mom and smacked her arm, which resulted in a yelp from her.

"Not driving," I teased, referring to our play fight at the very beginning of the summer before hiding behind my mom.

"Wow, using your mom as your human shield. Real mature," Ellie observed, narrowing her eyes at me.

I stuck out my tongue at her, but it was quickly retracted into my mouth when I was smacked on the side of the head.

"Ow," I whined, glaring at my mom, whose hands were on her hips, glowering at me.

"No hitting," she deadpanned.

"But Mom-."

"Don't you but Mom me."

I crossed my arms over my chest as Ellie gleefully chuckled at my own mother putting me in my place. Unwisely, she stuck her own tongue out at me, resulting in a smack upside the head for her as well.

"Hey," Ellie complained, rubbing the side of her head.

My mom was always the one to keep the two of us in control ever since we were little. When there was trouble, usually it was caused by the two little girls with red and blonde hair. Ellie's mom's approach to our antics was a bit softer, so we always got away with more under her care. My mom didn't tolerate any of it. Lucky for her, Ellie and I had grown out of most of our troublemaking, but we most definitely had not matured.

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