Never Tell a Girl to Calm Down

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Hello everyone!!!

I updated in only twoish weeks. Isn't that exciting? Woohoo, go me!

I hope you guys haven't given up on me yet. I know I take forever and a half to update, and I'm so sorry. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to update a little faster now.

Keep up with those comments and likes. It really does help me to update faster when I get alot of comments, just because it fuels me to know that you guys really care. Construstive criticism is always welcomed, so what you think! I love hearing your feedback. It's my fav <3.

What'd you guys think of the last chapter though??? Let me know if you like this one at the end of this chapter.

That's all folks.



Beep. Beep. Beep

I groaned into my pillow at the shrill sound coming from my phone on the night stand. There were few things in the world that I hated more than my stupid alarm in the morning. I was by no means a morning person, so everything before about 9, pisses me off to no end. I whacked my phone until I finally hit the right button to shut it off.

However, my groan was not by itself. Another sound of annoyance came from my bed, which made me realize that an arm was draped over my waist. Since when did that get here?

Hot breaths were being blown into my hair in a steady rhythm. I definitely did not remember going to bed with someone else in my bed.

I twisted around in his grip; his arm not letting me go. I came face to face with a certain green eyed boy grinning at me sleepily. His blonde hair was in a ruffled bed head. His eyelids fluttered closed, but his hold around my torso didn't loosen.

"Good morning," he greeted me quietly. His voice low and still filled with sleep, yet Miles's eyes remained closed.

"I don't remember going to bed with you in here," I said softly.

"I got cold," Miles defended, pulling me farther into his chest. He of course, wore no shirt and his chest was warm under my touch. He still smelled of his usual cinnamon colonge that drove me a little crazy. Not that I would ever tell him that because I know his head would only get bigger than it already was.

"There are these things called shirts that people wear to keep warm," I teased tapping his chest.

"Shirts are overrated. You know you want me in your bed anyway."

I embarrassingly blushed at his comment. Why could he make me flustered so easily? I was not a person to blush as much as I have been.

"You're cute when you blush," Miles said. His eyes only opening to see the color rising in my cheeks.

His green irises were still hazy from sleep. I couldn't help but continue to stare in to his eyes. They memorized me with the flecks of gold and almost glittering emerald green.

"Getting lost in my eyes?" Miles teased. His full pink lips stretched into a crooked grin.

I slapped his chest playfully, but snuggled into him farther. He nuzzled his way into my shoulder, still making my breath hitch in my throat. It didn't matter if I was very comfortable with him; he still could make me stop breathing correctly. The warm breaths returned to my skin. This time smoothing over the skin on my neck.

I had only gone to bed in a pair of shorts and sports bra, so I was rather exposed to his wandering hands that were currently playing with the bottom strap of my sports bra. My breathing had not returned to normal yet and wasn't getting much help from his teasing. Then, kisses were being dropped on my skin, causing me to shiver at each one. His lips were warm and lingered at the skin, nibbling and sucking on it softly. My mind was swarming out of control by his small touches.

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