What The Heck Is Wrong With Little Ms. Piggy?

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Hi everyone! I'm sorry yet again that this took so freaking long to update. I've worked my butt off the last three to four days to update for you guys.

The updates are going to be slow because my life is busy beyond belief. Enough about me.

You guys are flipping amazing!!! The number of reads, votes, and comments are awesome. You all are what motivates me to write, so keep doing what you're doing.

This chapter has a lot of Gloria/ Miles parts. Your welcome. I need a ship name for them, so help me out. Leave it in the comments, if you think of one.

Thanks for the millionth time. Keep on reading, voting, and commenting.

Love you guys



"Let me in!"

"What's the magic word?"


"Sorry, that is incorrect. Try again."

"Open the damn door."

Currently, I am standing outside our dorm room door trying to get in. I just showered and am ready to go to bed. Unfortunately, I left my key in the room yet again. Now, Miles won't let me in to the room, and I am quickly losing my patience. Not like I had any patience for him to begin with. I was tired from our day at the pool. After the chicken fights, we ate lunch. Then we swam around, and I finally got some tanning time in. I was a bit darker than I started, but not much.

"Sorry, that is incorrect. Try again."

"Miles," I whined, banging my palm on the door.


"Can you open the door?" I asked as nicely as possible.

"You're missing something."

I was losing it with him.

"Oh my bad. Can you open the fucking door before I break it down with my foot, and then kick your ass with the other foot?"

"Hm, no. That's still not it."

I gave the door a strong kick with my foot. Consequently, the Marist dorm doors are pretty sturdy, and I think I just broke my big toe.

"Fuck," I yelped. I crashed down on the floor and grabbed my foot between my hands. A steady rush of heat hit my toes, and I clutched my foot to try to stop the pain. I was only wearing a pair of moccasins, so not what you call the most protective thing for my feet. I was rocking back and forth with my foot practically cradeled to my chest.

The door suddenly swung open, and Miles came running out. When I had decided to fall down to hold my aching foot, I had parked myself right in front of the door. Since I was on the floor, Miles did not see me as he came barreling out. His foot got caught under my thigh, and then his knee came to hit me square in the forehead. He went crashing into me before making a hard dive towards the ground. Before you knew it, we were a tangled mess of limbs on the floor. I was sandwiched between the carpeted floor and Miles's very heavy body. My head was throbbing from where his knee had smacked against my temple. My toe was still very much in pain, but now I had slightly forgotten about it, due to my pain everywhere else.

This position was all too familiar.

I let out a groan of pain, and so did Miles. His chest was pressed in to my nose, and his chin was above me and to the right of my head. My nose was being smushed to the point where I thought it was going to end up snapping in half. Miles's chest was rumbling a little from soft chuckles that were escaping his lips. He put his hands down on either side of my head, before finally rolling off me and glancing in my direction.

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