1: Hastings

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"You're not going, Liz. Not without me and I'm away that weekend so tell them you can't make it." "What am I meant to say, Robbie? I'm not filming right now everyone knows that!" I shout back matching his volume. We were in the middle of an argument about me going to a charity event with a few of the Marvel cast. A charity event and he won't let me go. It's ridiculous. "Make up some bullshit excuse about your anxiety playing up like it always does." I was a little offended that he was insulating me using my mental health conditions. My anxiety wasn't bullshit, it was very debilitating at times and he knew that. He's been there. I want my caring Boyfriend back not this prick that's standing in front of me now. "You know I don't lie about that." "No? It only seems to act up when we want to do something." "You can't be serious right now!" I scream at him through my tears. He's a dick. "You're not going, so message Scarlett and tell her you don't want to go." He says holding my phone out to me.  

I snatch it from him and turn to leave our house. "Where are you going?" He called to me. "Out." "No you're-" I slammed the door in response and jogged down the drive quickly so he wouldn't come after me and make me stay. We needed space before this blew up more. We've been engaged for 2 months and it's been hell. It's been the worst months of our relationship and I hate it. It's like since he proposed he thinks I'm his property... He owns me he has the right to tell me I can and can't go to events or to hang out with my friends. It's a joke and I hate it. I hate my life right now. I've been trying to stay positive, maybe he was just stressed with work and this will blow over but it's been two months and I don't know how much longer I can take of him being like this. It's soul-crushing truly it is. I'm miserable and I have to paint a smile on my face every single time I'm out in public or visiting with my friends or even on the phone with my own family because all I feel is this heavy feeling in my chest and an overwhelming urge to cry all the time. I can't take it for much longer, I won't. I can't let him treat me this way. 

I've tried talking to him but he's not been in the listening mood as of recent so he just yells back and blames me for something else. Which caused more problems so I stopped trying to talk this out with him and join in on the yelling, he seemed to enjoy it so why not. 

When I got out of our community I realised I had just left the house alone with no protection, only my phone, I slipped my sunglasses down from the top of my head over my eyes to hide some of my face and then I took my hair out of the bun it was in to also hide my face a little more. I didn't want to talk to fans right now nor did I want my picture being circled around social media saying how awful I look. There was no covering up the devastation on my face right now. 

I walked for a while in the summer heat and decided to sit in one of the many coffee shops around needed a break from the sun and a drink to rehydrate before I go home and face what I walked out on. I knew I had only made it worst for myself but I was tired of arguing and I wanted to go to this event, it's for sick kids it's good cause it's not like I'm asking to go to a strip club to work for three nights in Miami. I'm going to a charity event for kids in New York. I don't see the big deal honestly. And I'm with people he has met countless times, literally so many times we had thanksgiving at Roberts last year. I don't get his problem he's so god damn frustrating. 

I stumble across a cute coffee shop called the Hastings. How have I not seen this before? It looks so calm and relaxing. And it wasn't so busy either so I should be able to slip in undetected and without causing a scene which is always pluses for me. 

Pushing the door open I take in the space, it wasn't so big but they had the outdoor space at the front and back of the coffee shop that made up for it. I decided to stay inside though to cool off in the AC. I pick a table in the corner away from the windows sort of close to the counter and read over the menu. I settle on an organic tea I was just trying to pick between the flavour I wanted. Lavender or Honey and Lemon? 

Coffee Shop | Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now