34: 3 Little Words

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"How the fuck did I end up in the bed?" Lizzie asked. I blinked my eyes open slowly. "Huh?" I asked not fully awake yet. "How did I get in bed? We were in the bath." "And you fell asleep." "So how did I end up here?" "I tried to wake you but you wouldn't budge." "You got me out of the bath?" "I did." "I wrapped a towel around you and I got you changed and put you to bed." "You did?" "Yes." "I'm sorry." "It was cute, you had this little pout on your face and you clung to me when I picked you up." "Did you?" "Did I see you naked? Yes briefly." I say amused. "You wouldn't wake up. I couldn't just leave you in the cold bathwater, you would get all pruney and sick." I justified. "Thank you for taking care of me." She moved up to peck my lips.

"I have work today." "I have training for Marvel." We both pout knowing we'll be apart today. "Can we lay here for a little longer?" "Your sisters will be here soon." "Just a little longer." She pecked my neck distracting me I laid back down and readjusted our bodies.


"Why is something poking me?" I mumbled with my eyes closed. "Because you two are still in bed." I opened one eye and saw MK standing over me. "What time is it?" "11" "Is Lizzie awake?" "Nope, she won't wake up," Ashley replied. I ran my hand up her back and traced her neck. "Princess, it's time to get up," I say to her pecking her head to coax her into waking up. "No thank you." She mumbled pushing her face into my neck. "We both have work... And your sisters are here." "No thank you." She said again. "That's just fucking rude," MK said pulling the sheets off us. "Quit it." I moan snatching them back. "Don't let go of me." I put my arm back around her abandoning the covers and holding my girlfriend knowing she'd get all pouty if I didn't and she had a busy day and she'd be in a mood and it wouldn't be helpful.

"Princess, you need to wake up." I sat us up she clung to my body. "Can you give us a minute?" The twins nod knowing Lizzie well enough to know that she is having a bad day. The door shut. "Bad day princess?" "Yeah." She mumbled, her arms going around my neck. "I will be home later and we can cuddle." "No, I don't want you to leave me today." My fingers ran through her hair to soothe her. "Why don't we get ready together and have some breakfast together, I need to get up and take my meds." I try and coax her. "Stay close." "I'm right here." I pecked her crown again. We both get up and we go to the walk-in together, she picked out gym wear and I picked out something work appropriate and then we shared the vanity to get ready, she only did her hair I put on light make-up. When she finished she sat on my lap waiting for me. "Did anything cause it?" "I had a bad dream." "What about?" "Paps and stuff and it just got me worked up." "You should have woken me." "It's embarrassing." "Everyone gets bad dreams." "You do?" "Yeah, I get them about Ria and Dad. Sometimes about Cassie." "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her. "No." I pecked her cheek. "Kisses before lipstick please," I say puckering my lips and she moulded hers against mine we shared a few sweet kisses before I put my lipstick on.

We go down and both go into the cabinet where our pillboxes are. Lizzie's was blue mine was lilac. I get us water and the twins watch as we move around the kitchen. Lizzie sets up the coffee machine, I get the fruit out of the fridge and scoop some into two bowls. Then we return to each other's side with coffee, water and fruit. We take our pills with the water and put that away and then turn to face the twins as we eat our fruit.

"What?" "You do that so perfectly." "Do what?" I asked putting fruit into my mouth. "Move." "Well, it's what humans do. You see you have to move to get things done." I explain dumbly. "You're like a proper couple." "Yeah for like 5 months now," I say swapping my bowl for my coffee. "I don't want my grapes," Lizzie tells me holding her bowl out. I take it from her and she picks my bowl up to eat my yellow melon that I'm not a fan of. We finished breakfast and Lizzie had a pout on her face again.

"So what are your plans for today?" I asked the twins pulling Lizzie close to me she rested her head on my shoulder, I traced up and down her arm as the twins filled us in on their day, they had a meeting and then they were going to dinner with some of their friends. Leaving Lizzie and me alone to have dinner together.

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