20: Talking

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"Only you would argue with her on your first date." MK teased. "I feel bad okay." "You should she put in all the effort and you shout at her over nothing I assume." "Not exactly," I say looking at my feet as we walked the streets. "Then what?" "Nell and Scar slept together." "What?" She choked on her coffee. "See not, nothing." "When?" "After my birthday." "Wow." "But they were drunk and sad." "How do you feel about it?" "I was upset they didn't tell me." I begin. "But the circumstances are more forgiving." She nodded. "Have you spoken to Scarlett about it?" "Not had the chance, I left Nells this afternoon went to dinner with you and now we're here." "Right." "Besides I'm all argued out." 

"How was the date other than the argument?" "It was really nice. We went to the ballet and she was super sweet and held my hand and got me a drink she even ordered which is a big deal for her." MK smiled fondly at me. I kept rambling about the date all the little things that happened. The conversation we shared. Even the cuddles at the end of the night. "Sounds perfect. You're one lucky lady." She slapped my butt and I laughed. "You're annoying." "You have a girlfriend." "Nope." I say popping the 'p'. "Huh?" "We're just dating right now. No labels no expectations just processing and adjusting time." "She's a keeper." She tells me. "You think?" "She already knows how to calm you, settle you, deal with all your perfect quirks that I love unconditionally. She understands you and that's a big thing because if she didn't understand you, you wouldn't work." "Because I'm difficult?" "Not at all, it's because you deserve the world and no one has offered that to you yet." I smiled at my big sister. 

"Has she messaged you about the date?" I asked her. "Yeah, she did." "What did she say?" "That she had a really good time with you. And she said you were cute and you looked beautiful when you gazed at the city and the light reflected in your eyes. Galaxies I believe she described them as." I blushed hard at MK's teasing tone. "Did she actually say all that?" She nodded handing me her phone letting me read the messages. It was a little less cringy the way Nell wrote it to how MK said it but she still said it. She thinks I'm beautiful. 

"When are you seeing her again? I want to get Nell time in before you." "Thursday, we're going to lunch." "A second date already." "Not a date this is just a lunch." "Got it." "How do you feel about the whole dating a girl thing?" "It's different... she's cleaner and she understands me better. Better than anyone has ever really understood me." "I think that has more to do with her character than her gender." "Yeah." "And Cassie has a similar disorder to you so she is way more empathetic towards it seeing it first hand." She noted. "Yeah." "What do you think people will say?" "I think most people will be chill about it. Some will hype it up because it's fucking hot. And a few will not be as accepting as they should in today's society but that happens with anything we do, it comes with the job." I nodded. "What if I ruin my career?" "Are you happy when you're with Nell?" "Yeah, so happy." "Then I don't think you having a career can compete with having happiness. Do you?" "No. But I worked really hard for this and I don't want it to just disappear." "It won't Lizzie. It'll be a big deal for like 5 seconds and then people will move on to the next thing when they see how happy you are." "What if I think I'm happy but then I'm not happy anymore." "Then you end things and find something that makes you happy." "But last time I tried to do that Robbie." "Eleanor wouldn't do that. Stop comparing them. In fact, compare them. Eleanor defended you from Robbie. Nell calms you in seconds and when you are calm she doesn't leave you until she's sure you're okay, Robbie didn't have the first clue about helping you calm down. Nell lets you scream at her when you're upset and mad and just takes it." "That makes me sound bad." "It's just the way you are used to having to express yourself. You'll stop doing that when you realise she's not going to scream at you." I nodded. "Nell is compassionate. Robbie was fake. Nell can make you smile in seconds and you laugh so much when you're with her. Robbie could barely tell a dad joke." I chuckled. "Plus me and Ash really like Nell. We didn't like Robbie all too much." "I was engaged to him and you adored him." I correct her. "That was before we found out he was a huge dick." I laughed loudly. 

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