14: Ruined

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Since Cassie's birthday communication with Lizzie is at a big zero. This is why I don't open up to people they leave eventually so what's the point in getting to know someone because then there's a stranger who knows everything about you, it's weird and I don't want that. I assumed it was because of the kiss. I'm still trying to figure out what the hell that was. I was confused, maybe she was experimenting, I don't know. Maybe she was evening the score with Scarlett. Whatever it was she clearly regretted it. I took it upon myself to stop hanging out with her sisters and Scarlett. I went back to my life before Lizzie with work and school and no social life whatsoever. Which is the way I liked it. My evenings were spent in front of my computer editing and a facetime call with Cassie. I'd text with my brothers in our group chat. 

My days were filled with shoots and meetings. Maybe the odd trip to the gym a few times a week when I have space in my schedule it's important to keep your health up. In the chaos that is my timetable, I'd find a second to eat something, normally a wrap or a salad. I don't remember the last time I ate something warm. Maybe 3 weeks ago at Cassie's birthday. Probably that Cheeseburger I had on the beach. I should order a pizza tonight. I think to myself. A pizza sounded great right now.

I stopped thinking about food and focused on my young clients. They were two little girls one was 5 and one was 3 they were adorable and had so much energy the pictures were electric. I had Disney music playing and I encouraged them to dance around with each other to get a couple of candid shots. Their parents stood beside me with smiles on their faces enjoying the experience too.

"Okay girls can we reach the stars for me," I say wriggling my fingers as I hold my arms straight up in the air grabbing their attention. I paused the music so I could talk to them. "Megan can you stand like a star for me." I showed her with my legs. "And pop a shoulder, hands by your side." She did as I asked. "Perfect." "Millie can you lay on your tummy in between your sister's legs." She did as I said. "Can you do this?" I show her to lean on her hands. "And kick your legs for me, point those toes." They chuckled at my silliness and I snapped a few photos. I moved them to a few other positions before doing some more serious ones. But the parents always prefer when their kids are having fun so I don't do too many of them.

"You're amazing with the kids." I smiled. "Thank you." "I'll be telling my friends about you." "Oh, Wow thank you so much." I debrief with them and I have time to select photos with them straight after the shoot instead of emailing back and forth for a few days. I wave them off and begin setting up for my next shoot. My phone rings so I answer it assuming it was a client due to it being a number I haven't saved.

"Hello, Nell speaking from Hastings NYC how can I help," I say sweetly. "Finally." "MK?" "Yeah." She said in a Duh tone. "I've been trying to call you for weeks. You're rude." I sigh and rub my face. "I've been busy. None stop graduation sessions and fashion shoots." "Yeah, yeah. Nothing to do with the fact you and my sister aren't friends anymore." "We're friends." "She refuses to talk about you. I thought we were friends." She whined. "She won't talk about me?" "Nope, can't even mention your name she does that scary head tilt thing." I nod knowing what she means it's really intimidating. I guess she really regretted the kiss. "I just..." "What happened? Because Ash knows but Lizzie won't tell me which is so rude. So" My door opened. "You're going to tell me." She was stood there in a long trench and sunglasses covering her face. "Nothing happened," I say hanging up and continuing to set up for my next shoot. "You look like shit." "It's called working 21 hours days," I say with a sarcastic smile. "So what happened?" "Nothing. She just stopped talking to me." "This was after Casandra's birthday party." I nodded acting innocent to stop the questions, she can be just as intimidating at Lizzie, if not worse.

"You're a bad liar." "I haven't got time for this, I have a client coming in, in 10 minutes." "Oh, The Aston's? Yeah, that's me. Hello, I'd like to book a session for my son." She mocked the accent I heard on the phone. "Screw you." "If you're offering." I chuckle and shake my head and begin setting down for the day now I know the Aston family was indeed not coming. "So what happened at the party? Did you drunk fuck? She's wild when she drinks. Did you fight? Did you" "Nothing happened. If you want to know more ask your sister." I cut her off. "I tried that but like I said the head tilt." We both shivered at the thought. She sat down at my computer and watched me. "MK please." "Fine, I'll call her right now." "Go ahead." I went into the back room and when I came out she was on the phone with her sister, on speaker.

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