Meeting in a coffee shop is a normal thing. Students, business men and women, mothers, friends. But what wasn't normal was meeting Elizabeth Olsen in a family run coffee shop.
A budding friendship blossomed into something beautiful but with ex's an...
"Nelly!" Cassie opened my bedroom door as I was in my underwear finishing up my hair. "Lizzie's here." "Send her up." "Elizabeth Olsen is here! At my birthday party." I chuckled still curling my hair. "Yes bug, she is." I was amused she still wasn't used to Lizzie being around despite speaking with her on the phone seeing her in the coffee shop and her literally staying with us for a week almost a year ago. "Thank you." "Thank mum she invited her I just passed on the message," I say turning back to the mirror. "I'll go get Lizzie." I nodded. I tried to get my hair finished I was running late as I was baking Cassie's birthday cake this morning and it took longer than I had planned.
There was a knock on my door. "Come in," I called. "Hey, sorry, I'm a mess the room is a mess but hey," I say quickly putting my curling iron down on the heatproof mat. "She didn't say you were getting dressed." "It's okay really."
I felt my eyes wandering up and down her body, I wasn't expecting her to be in her underwear never mind lacy underwear that didn't leave much to the imagination. When she made eyecontact with me I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. "Can you pass me my dress please?" "Yeah." I turned and picked it up off the bed. "You look cute." She says to me as I hand it over to her. "Thank you." I look down at my dress.
She slipped her dress on and then I tied up the back. It was a stunning dress everything looked great on her anyway.
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"I love your dress," I tell her, adjusting it slightly so the skirt is laid properly. "Thanks, Cassie picked it out, she wanted us to co-ordinate." "That's sweet." "She's making the boys wear these linin shirts they're not impressed."
"All your family is downstairs," I tell her. "Yeah, they're harmless though." "What if they don't like me?" "Elizabeth you're impossible not to like." "But." "I'll stay with you, sweetheart." "Thanks." Over the past month, we've been in constant contact with each other literally every day at least one phone call and we've been texting in between but when she's working, which is pretty much the only time we're not talking and it's been nice. She's been actually telling me things about her day. She still goes out with Scarlett a lot and Scarlett talks to me about Nell a lot. I'm not sure if she has a growing crush on Nell but they seem to be at the least really good friends.
"You ready to go down or do you need a minute?" "Can we have a minute?" She nodded she began cleaning her room up. "You don't like mess," I observe as I sit on her bed. "Everything has its place." I nodded. "It's easier this way, running a business is hard if things aren't organised so I've adapted." "I'm a little chaotic at times but It's always organised." "I mean living out of a suitcase isn't too easy if there's not some sort of system." "Exactly."
"Was your flight okay?" "Yeah. It was cold the whole flight." "I hate when that happens." "Me too! I didn't bring a coat either because I was coming home and there's no need for a coat here." "True. You should take a blanket on your flight no matter where you go." "I'll take note of that tip."