Waking up something was immediately off. Nell wasn't in bed with me, there was a muffle of voices outside the door and when I looked over at Nell's side of her bed her draw was open of her bedside table and her pillbox was open on the top. I sat up slowly confused. I put my robe on and go out hearing a deep voice that wasn't Scarlett's or Nelly's. I go out and walk down the hall slowly now recognising the voice, it was my dad.
"You need to leave before you wake her up," Scarlett says. "She is my daughter she doesn't belong in a place like this." I stood hiding in the hall watching to scared to go out. "This place is not suitable for her." "It's warm and dry and she's comfortable here, what else is there to need?" "Scarlett don't," Nell warned her standing in front of her almost protecting her. "Please, Leave Mr Olsen. Lizzie has had a long few days and she doesn't need this right now." "Where is she? Go get her." "She's sleeping. So let her sleep." "Go get her." He said more demanding this time. "I'm not going to do that. I'm asking you to leave for the 7th time. If you do not leave I will have to call the police." "Oh you will, will you?" He stepped closer to her but then took a b-line for the chest of draws where her photos were. I pop my head out and look around the corner to see what he was doing. Nell saw me and shook her head telling me to go back to the bedroom. My dad picked one photo up.
"You have photos of her?" "She's my girlfriend, this is my home." "You have photos of you and her together?" "Yes." I didn't know she had a picture of us out. I smiled to myself before jumping at the sound of it hitting the floor. "You need to leave. Now." He swiped his arms across the top taking out every photo she had there and the glass smashed around the girl's bare feet. "You will never be good enough for her." "No. You will never be good enough for her." She told him simply. "Scar go to the bedroom." Don't leave her out there alone, please don't leave her alone. Scarlett walked towards me. "No, stay out there." "Come on." She leads me to the bedroom practically pulling me.
She closed the door. "He's going to hurt her." "He won't." "He already has." I jumped at every sound. "What's that?" "What?" I asked looking where Scar was looking. "Pillbox." "Yours?" "Yeah for my anxiety," I say closing it and noticing the pills are still in there for this morning. I put it away in the draw. "Why do you keep it in Nell's side?" "That's my side." "No, it's not, your side has your book on it." She pointed. "I got confused." I take it out and move it putting it in my draw I needed to remember to tell her I moved it. The door slammed and I rushed out.
"Nell?" I called out going down the hall. Her main room was trashed, completely trashed, her dad's original work was slashed and nothing was in its place. Those pieces are irreplaceable. "Nelly?" She was standing in the middle of the room looking around her chest was heaving. "Angel." I step over things. "Don't." She held her hands up she didn't want physical comfort I got the message. "Did he?" "No, I'm okay. Is Scarlett okay?" "Scarlett is fine," I tell her. "Are you okay?" "Yes, are you?" I asked her tilting my head. "Trying to convince myself not to go down after him." "Please don't do that," I say. "You should stay with your sisters tonight, or your mum, just until this place is cleaned up." "No I'm only here for two more days and I want to be with you." "Baby, this place isn't liveable. There are no mugs, plates. The sofa is ruined. There's glass everywhere." "I'll help," I say. "It's okay." She rubbed her face and looked around her eyes skipped over where the prints used to hang.
"Guys?" "Yeah?" We both look to Scarlett. "Colin's here to pick me up." "Okay, have a good breakfast date." "Here." She held a key to me. I frowned. "Key to my place. Stay there. I'll be at Colin's." I smiled. "He's not forgiven but I miss him." "Tell him I'm going to kick his ass if he tries anything," Nell warned half-joking. She left and it was just the two of us in this mess. I went to get the sweeping brush. "Liz, leave it." "I can't, my dad did this I need to clean it." "Elizabeth, please just leave it." She said more sharply still standing looking around. "I'm sorry." "You didn't do it." She stepped carefully over to me.

Coffee Shop | Elizabeth Olsen
FanfictionMeeting in a coffee shop is a normal thing. Students, business men and women, mothers, friends. But what wasn't normal was meeting Elizabeth Olsen in a family run coffee shop. A budding friendship blossomed into something beautiful but with ex's an...