I woke up and the apartment was silent. I sat up in bed and went to the bathroom before going to look for Nell. The blanket and pillow were folded neatly on the end of the sofa and she was nowhere to be found. I went to the kitchen area and sat a note stuck to the fridge.
Morning Olsen, I've gone to work I had an early shoot and you were too peaceful to wake. Help yourself to food and clothes I'll be home at 2. Keys in the basket by the door if you want to go out.
She's sweet. I grab some toast and make a smoothie she had stuff out on the counter to I assume this is what she had this morning before leaving for work. I'm surprised I didn't wake up to the sound. I must have really needed some rest. I didn't bother changing and I stayed on the sofa all day watching films. She said I could stay if I wanted and I turned my phone off so I didn't want to turn it back on to talk to my sisters.
The house phone rang and I watched it as it rang out, shrugging if it was important I'm sure they'll leave a message. It rang again. "Hello, Eleanor Hastings phone," I answer. "Lizzie. Please text your sisters." "Huh?" "Your sisters called me because you're not answering. They have super stalking skills it's kind of scary. You need to call them or text them because I'm pretty sure they have the police waiting for me outside my studio. I love you I do but I'm not getting arrested over you being scared to talk to your sisters, They're worried about you." "I'm so sorry." "It's fine. I just have a really busy morning and I can't deal with this right now." "I'm sorry, I'll call them." "Okay, are you okay? Have you eaten?" "I'm good Nell." I chuckled. "Get back to work okay." "Okay, call me if you need anything." "I will." We say bye and she hangs up. She sounded stressed on the phone, clearly, she was busy and my sisters were bugging her.
I grabbed my phone from the bedroom and called MK she's more understanding when it comes to Nell and me, Ash still thinks she's going to kill me and sell my story. But Nell's not the type. I hope she's not anyway. Too late if she is.
"Lizzie, oh thank God you're alive." "You can't just stalk Nell and call her. She's got a lot on today." I say not really know what she had on just that she's been gone since before I woke this morning and won't be back until 2 and she sounded super stressed on the phone. She's never told me she's not got time to deal with something. "Well, you had an episode and then disappeared on us. What did you want us to do? And it was Ashley who called her so you can blame her for that one." "Why would you let her do that?" "Lizzie you have to admit it's a little chilling how calm she is around you. How attentive she is," Ashley butted in, she was the more level headed one of the two, the worrier, MK was more laid back and chill about everything. A picture of Nell was enough for her to settle down.
"Where are you? We're coming to pick you up." She says before I could say anything to her earlier statement. "No." "Elizabeth, don't be a child." "I don't want to come home. I'm okay here." "Elizabeth, she's a stranger, you're coming home. At least go stay with mum." "No." "I know yesterday was a lot for you. No one is mad." I hang up quickly and take deep breaths.
I change into some clothes leaving my phone to ring and hunt in the bathroom for a spear toothbrush. I tied my hair in a messy bun and then left quickly. I walked to the studio with my sunglasses hiding my identity and following google maps so I didn't get lost in the city. I went up to the second floor and walked into the studio and took a seat behind the computer. She looked over at me smiled and went back to working with her client, she had a family shoot in at the moment. I kept my glasses on so I didn't distract the family. She was really good with the kids.
"Okay that's it for today, thank you, guys." She said sweetly coming over to the table and handing me her camera. I put the strap around my neck and looked through the lens, I didn't have an eye for this, it all looked bland and boring, she'd probably capture a really pretty picture. She came over to me and she did look stressed but still smiled at me. "Everything okay?" She asked me and I nodded. "Just got bored." "Did you talk to your sisters?" "Yeah, they're fine." "Good." She came around and tapped on the keyboard of the computer.

Coffee Shop | Elizabeth Olsen
FanfictionMeeting in a coffee shop is a normal thing. Students, business men and women, mothers, friends. But what wasn't normal was meeting Elizabeth Olsen in a family run coffee shop. A budding friendship blossomed into something beautiful but with ex's an...