51: Shoot Day

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"Make it stop." My girlfriend whined still with her eyes closed as she rolled off of me. I was a little disoriented as I looked around the room trying to figure out what the loud banging was. "Lizzie." She moaned again pushing her head under the pillows to dampen the banging. I got out of bed and went through the trailer and answered the door. "Hello?" I say clearly annoyed at Mackie standing there. "Where is she? Seb said she was here!" "Who?" "The hot chick you're sleeping with." I closed the door in his face and the banging continued. "ELIZABETH." Nell was getting annoyed at this point. She had been on what essentially is a 24-hour shoot, she did Florence, Brie and stuff for this modelling agency and she hasn't slept and came straight here to see me and was pouty so on my break I took her back here to get some sleep. "I'm working on it," I call back to her.

"You're going to get your ass kicked," I say, letting him into the trailer just to shut him up. "Where is she?" "Who the hell is banging like that on the door?" Nell said coming out. I turned Mackie around quickly so he was facing the wall and Nell quickly went back into the bedroom seeing him. She was in her tiny underwear and one of my shirts that was unbuttoned with no bra on. She wouldn't have come out if she knew someone was here, she thought it was just us. "Don't say anything," I warned him. "But." "Nothing," I say firmly. "One thing?" "Mackie." "She Hot for real though." I hit him upside the head. Nell came back out with the shirt buttoned and her jeans on. "Sorry." She says blushing slightly.

"No, it was my pleasure." She threw a cushion at him. "She's like you." Mackie points. "You stay stupid shit, you get hit. Why did you wake us?" Nell asked her annoyance coming back. "I wanted to see my bestie." "I'm going back to bed." "He means you." I clarify. "I've met you once. Banging on the door like that will revoke bestie privileges forever." "But." "FOREVER." She said walking to the room. "You're lucky it was a cushion," I tell him. He eventually leaves and when I go back to her she was frowning at her laptop screen with her glasses on. She was working. Fantastic. She should be sleeping. "Morning beautiful." She says smiling at me when she feels the weight in the bed shift. "Sleep." I tried to move the computer from her. "I can't he woke me. There should be a rule of how many times you can knock and what warrants someone repeatedly banging on your door." She mumbles. "Sleep," I repeat tugging at the computer.

"Wow," I say catching a look at Florence's reels from yesterday. "She photographs really well," Nell says not exactly calling her beautiful but I knew that's what she meant. "Has her team hired you too?" I asked, it came out more snarky than I intended it to. "No... It was a one-time thing." She says flicking through the photos. "You sure?" She looked at me. "I mean they're really good, she'd be crazy not to hire you." I try and sound less like a raging jealous bitch. "Which ones are your favourites." "Huh?" "You always have a favourite from your shoots, which one." "Well I haven't edited them yet so I'm not sure." "You've edited a few." I point so she can click on the edited ones and bring them up so I could see.

"Black and white, like your dad

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"Black and white, like your dad." She smiled softly admiring the photo. "I tried, he could capture things better than I ever could. I don't think it's my style." "It's really good Nell." "It's a picture, it can't be really good." I hate how she downplayed her work.

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