39: Caught

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Nell looked super cute in her glasses, we were spending the day at her mum both of us clearing our schedule as much as we could to be here. She only had online classes to do and I had a few emails to answer. I had no clue she wore glasses until I rolled over this morning as she was laid in bed with her laptop with them on.  

Currently, we were laid downstairs on the sofa we were laid in a Ying Yang symbol on the sofa both had our laptops rested on the other person's feet. Cassie was laid on the floor beside us doing her homework and occasionally she'd ask one of us for help. I was glad she was over being mad at me. I hated to think she hated me. I nudged my foot to get Nell's attention she was frowning hard at her screen and her lip was between her teeth as she concentrated. "Hmm?" She said not looking away from her screen. "You okay, Bug?" "Yeah, concentrating." She says softly.  

Yesterday was the appeal and she had been a little quiet since coming out of court hence the reason we stayed at her mum's place. Despite her not liking hugs she walked straight into her mum's arms last night and stayed there for a long while. "Girls lunch." Her mum called us. "Two minutes," Cassie called back furiously typing on her keyboard. I finished up my email before sending it and Nell was still frowning at her screen. "Bug? Take a break." She looked at me and smiled the frown dissolving quickly. I smiled back at her and she closed the laptop and we both got up following Cassie into the kitchen to get our lunch. 

Jr and Tony came in just as we were sitting down with our food so Anna got up to plate the boys some food and then we all sat down. "So how's life?" Jr asked when everyone was quiet. "I have a big gig," Nell says casually and I smirked already knowing what it was and I was incredibly proud of her for achieving this. "Any more information on that one Nelly?" Her mum asked looking at her with an almost proud smile gracing her lips as she shares things about her lifef unprompted. "Oh... Right." She tucked her hair behind her ear and sat up straight before putting more food in her mouth. Tony went to say something but her mum silenced him with a look giving Nell the chance to adjust to this sharing thing. We all ate. "I'm going to be a backstage Photographer at fashion week in Paris." She says as casually as she could but I caught the smile on her lips before she pushed more food in her mouth. 

Everyone just paused not expecting her to say that, or anything. I think they half expected her to just ignore the requests she's probably done that before it wouldn't surprise me if I'm honest. "Nelly Bear!" Her mum exclaimed. "That's amazing!" She clapped her hands together. "The twins will be there so it'll be cool." "It's cool because you're there, Honey." She shrugged. "Proud of you sis." Jr and Tony said in unison. She looked at me and I took her hand knowing she was uncomfortable she scrunched her nose up at me cutely. "So Paris Fashion week! Can I come?" Cassie asked. "You can not because it's in term time and you've missed enough tie off school," Nell said teasing her. "When did you hear the news?" "Oh, Valentine's day." She says everyone laughed. "What?" "Thanks for holding out on us." Jr joked with her. "I was with her when she got the news and I found out last night when we were planning our schedules," I say. 

"I was wondering if I could take Dad's camera." She says looking at her mum. "Of course honey." Her mum answered quickly. "Thanks." She says before going back to eating. "Lizzie starts filming soon." She says shifting the attention. "Where are you filming?" "What are you filming?" "Is Wanda going to die?" "Is Brie single?" "Brie is not single." Nell answers her brother. "I'll be in LA filming for a while but then Atlanta for the most part. It's for a Marvel project. Wanda is Wanda." I say answering the questions that were fired at me. "I got my job back in Washington." "What!" Nell says stopping what she was doing looking at Tony wide-eyed and with a proud smile. "I have to get my 30-day chip and I can go back." "That's amazing! You should've started!" Nell was proud of him, it was the first genuine smile she had given her brother in months. "Thanks, Nelly." "I got on the honour roll," Cassie says. "Yeah, you did!" Nell high five her. "I plagiarised your paper to get there though." "My paper?" "It was on the computer the one about The Scarlet letter." "I got a B on that paper." "Well, I got an A+." "Rude." "Stop stealing your sister's work." The girls giggled finding it funny. "My team looks good for winning the championship... Will you all be there?" "When is it?" I asked. "March 9th." "I'm in Paris," Nell says pouting. "I'm in Paris also," Cassie said. "You will not be in Paris and no sweet-talking your sister," Mum says firmly. "It's a once in a lifetime opportunity." "I'm sure your sister will have plenty of other opportunities for you," Annabella said dismissing her. "Lizzie if your free it would be great if you could make it." "I'm in Paris with your sister." "No, you're not," Nell said pulling a face. "I got an invite to a few of the shows. Plus my sisters show." I say to her. She smiled and then looked away from me. "Whipped," Tony says. Nell must have kicked him under the table as their legs started to fly around. "Ow, that was my leg," I complain. Nell kicked extra hard at Jr who lifted his leg up and held it. "Ow!" He complained. "Be more careful of my girlfriend then." "Ow Tony" Cassie complained holding her leg. Nell gave him a warning look before he quickly apologised to Cassie. She was only joking of course. 

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