52: Apologises

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^(Nora= Left Cassie=Right)^

Summer in LA seemed more manageable now I wasn't at the house full time and I was still able to work at the studio, it wasn't as raw this year almost two years without him and I think I was starting to grieve him and not pretend he's coming back. Actually starting to move on, process. Being in the studio I felt closer to him, I felt warm wrapped in his arms, I felt peaceful.

Lizzie and dropped our things off at the house before heading straight to Malibu for Cassie's birthday party. We went back to New York before coming to LA to check in with Scarlett and the twins and Lizzie's mum. I also wanted to check on the studio and apartment for myself. Scarlett only had like three months left so we wanted to check in on her. She's cranky and keeps complaining about how fat she is. We kept telling her she wasn't and that she was growing a human being inside of her. She still hasn't found out the gender yet, it was killing me. I wanted to know more than they wanted to know. Colin and Scarlett are doing well, they're back on track and that's really good to hear. I think they're both still a little scared but they're doing the best they can.

The twins are really busy with getting their summer line out on the website, they already have a lot of preorders so they're working around the clock putting the final details to it all. And Jarnie is really well too. We had dinner with her and got to catch up. Lizzie also did her interview on Jimmy Fallon which now makes us an official couple in the eyes of Hollywood. We packed all that into a three day weekend to get back in time for Cassie's birthday.

"You made it." Mum hugged me and then Lizzie before welcoming us into the house. "Where's the birthday girl?" "On the beach with her friends." "She's missed you." "I know we couldn't get an earlier flight so this was as early as we could get here," I explain. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure she understands." "I hope so because we only just got back to being us again." "She'll be fine." I nodded. Cassie can be sensitive sometimes, especially surrounding my absence.

"How are you, girls?" "Tired." We both say in unison. "Well, you don't have to stay all night." I looked at Lizzie. "We'll stay for as long as we can," She told me and I nodded. I was driving so as long as I'm not overly tired falling asleep in the sand. "Did you get her a cake?" I asked. "I had to order it from the store by the coffee shop." I go into the office where we always keep the cake and take a peek. "It's good," I say and mum laughs. "Next time you're coming home early to make her one. No one beats your birthday cakes." I smiled flattered by the compliment.

We go out to the beach and get a drink. "I want my camera." I pout. I left it at home we were in such a rush to leave I completely forgot to get it from the office. I have cameras all over the country now. I have them in each house I visit. MK is obsessed with playing with them so I have an old one from my teen years that I've left at hers. "Here." I smiled wide. "You forget things all the time." "You let me believe I forgot it the whole way here?" I say, taking it from her. "I had to teach you a lesson." I snap a photo of her laughing and I admire it for a while. "Okay, my turn. I want one of you." "Later, okay." She nodded agreeing, she'll hold me to it too. I just hope she'd forget.

I snapped photos as I did every year, we sat with my grandparents for a while. Cassie came and said hello and opened her gifts from Lizzie and me. When she comes over to us a third time a drink in hand. "What's in the cup, bug?" I ask her with an amused smile on my face, her staggering gave her away. I remember my first time getting tipsy on this beach. "Lemonade." "Care to share?" I took the cup and the liquor burned my throat. "Cass that's straight vodka." "Shh." "No not shush. You're 15." "You're meant to be fun." "Vodka, Cassie." I hold the drink out of reach. "I'm just having fun with the girls." "The girl's in the water? Those girls are drinking too." "Don't do this." "It's dangerous." "You do it all the time." "I take a plastic cup of wine on the paddleboard. Not straight vodka in a solo cup." "Please." "Get them out of the water. And quit drinking." I poured the drink on the sand. She challenged me so I stood up and then she rushed off to get the girls out of the water.

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