78: Date Night

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After my breakdown the other night Lizzie has been very overprotective to the point where she wouldn't even let me make breakfast for everyone. I've managed to sneak off with Rose and Scarlett to my mum's for a few hours to actually get some wedding things done on my end, like Lizzie's present for the day of the wedding and hiring the photographer, Lizzie and I have looked over my shortlist of people and decided on someone I just needed to call them to confirm, I also needed to find some shoes and also find a dress. Scarlett was only here for a few more days and if I didn't find something I will be pretty much on my own trying to work out what doesn't make me look like a stick in the snow. 

Currently, we were laid out on the beach Rose was digging a hole in the sand and we were going over a few details, Scar was planning my hen party at the same time asking me my opinion on things which was nice of her because she knew I didn't want a big thing, celebrating my last night of freedom felt weird especially when I didn't want the freedom I wanted to marry Lizzie and start this adventure with her. "What about these?" I asked her, turning my laptop screen so she could see, she squinted because of the sun. "They're pretty, email them to Liz and get her opinion on them before you commit though." It was the wedding invites, no we've not sent them out yet. "When you do finalise it though send me the link so I can send them out." "Why would you send them out? That's our job." "But I have the guest list from organising the tables so you might as well let me do it, one more thing off of your to-do list, you're welcome," She says, not leaving any room for me to object, though I still did. "We can handle hitting send." I hated people thinking I wasn't capable. I was fine with handling the invites. "Let me." "Fine if, Liz is okay with it then fine, but you will have to mail my grandparents to them as they don't have a clue about technology." "Got it."

"Hey, sweetie." Mum was home from work, I look up to her shielding my eyes with my arms she was smiling. "How are you?" "I'm good, the coffee shop was quiet so thought I'd come home and check on you." "I'm good, not so stressed now things are actually getting done," I say. Also, it was kind of hard to be stressed when you're on a private beach with the sound of the ocean and the warm sun kissing your skin. "Have you found that dress yet?" "Nope, we tried yesterday but Rose needed a nap," Scarlett says in response. "Why don't you go now? I can watch Rose for a few hours." "Don't you want to be there? And besides, you have to make an appointment for these things." "You can show me when you pick your dress, and the small places should take you on." I nodded and looked at Scar but she was already packing up her things. She wanted me to find a dress as much as I did. "And if you don't find anything there's always that last dress, the one you loved and looked stunning in." "mum," I warned there was no way I was wearing that dress all that goes through my head when I picture myself in it is the hurtful words. I don't know why it was bothering me so much. I don't care about my body. I guess I just want to look as good as I know Lizzie will look for her. I want it to be the perfect day and in order for that to happen, I have to look the part too.

Scar and I packed up our things and went inside with a pouting Rose who wanted to stay out and play in the sand. "I want the sun." She pouted. "You've been around Aunty Nell far too much," Scar says and I chuckled it was no secret that I loved being in the sun it was my favourite thing in the world. Lizzie burnt easily as she had fair skin so when we were out on the beach all day she was always hiding under the umbrella or covered by some material protecting her skin that was already covered in sunblock. I guess Rose liked the sun just like me. "If you behave for my mummy I'll take you in the pool before bed and bathtime tonight?" I suggest. "Yes!" She jumped up and down. "Okay, so you have to be a good girl okay," Scarlett told her and she nodded excitedly.

We eventually got ready to leave the house and we took a nice walk down to where the boutiques are. "What about this one?" Scarlett pointed, I nodded wanting to get this over with.

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