73: Chanel

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I've never seen Nell stressed. She's a chilled laid back kind of person nothing gets to her, ever she just goes with the flow she vibes and she's chill but when I woke up this morning to an empty bed and I find her in the lounge pacing up and down on the phone to her mum practically mid breakdown I realised she was human and things do overwhelm her and stress her out.

"Morning, Angel." I pecked her cheek my arms snaking around her waist in an attempt to soothe her, though physical contact never really did that for her. "Yeah, she's awake... Okay... Yes. Moning, Princess." She said in between talking to her mum on the phone. "No, I just... what if they hate me? What if I mess up and... It's not just standing there mum... Ugh." She turned in my arm. "I'm hanging up because you're stressing me out more." She announced. "Okay, I love you too. Yes. I will." She hung up and tossed her phone on the sofa. "Angel?" "What if I mess up today? What if my hair doesn't go right or I'm not what they want and I just... My dad's been the only person to take photos of me what if it was his skills and not mine." "My sister's team photograph you all the time." "That's different, that's clothing shots this is actually to do with my face and body and I shouldn't have agreed to this." "Nell, you're going to do amazing today. You've been taking care of your body, you've actually been drinking green juice. Your face is perfect." "But." "Nope, we're going to get ready, eat something because you have a busy day and you'll forget to eat. I'll drive you to your facial so you can relax." "No, I need to get ready." "And your facial contributes to that." Her hands started to rub at her face and she started bouncing her leg getting agitated or anxious it was hard to tell because she doesn't get worked up.

I took her hands and put them around my waist moving my hands to lay around her neck. I pecked her lips. "It's okay," I say softly nudging my nose against hers. "I don't think I can do it." "Yes, you can, Angel. You were so excited about this." "What if people think I'm just doing this because of you? What if they say I'm using you? What if." "Remember how this game works?" She nodded biting her lip. I pulled it from her teeth pecking them after. "Don't do that," I say our lips grazing against each other. "No one is going to think you're using me." She gave me a look tilting her head almost saying "yeah right" "If they do we know that's not the case. You did this, you not me. I've not been out of the house this year. So it's nothing to do with me." I try. "I have this knot in my stomach." "It's nerves babe," I say letting one of my hands full from her shoulder down her chest to her tummy. "It just means you care, you want this." "It's so stupid." "Hey, no minimalising feelings, thank you," I warn her and she smiled softly at me.  "You have nothing to worry about, you'll go to set you'll get pampered and ready and you'll take some deep breaths and get into it like you do at the shoots with my sisters." She nodded.

"Come on let's go shower." I lead her upstairs to our bathroom and get the shower ready for us. She was deep in thought as she stood leaning against the counter her lip back between her teeth. "Angel." I pulled it from her teeth again there was a little bit of blood. "It's going to be okay," I assured her wiping the blood off her lip, it was only a tiny bit but still I hated her doing it, hurting herself. She wasn't trying to it was a force of habit. "Sorry." "It's going to be a good day." She nodded. The shoot was all day from 10-10 with all the hair and make-up and outfit changes it was a whole production she had her facial at 8 it was currently 6:45.

We showered and got mildly ready for the day there was no point in doing her hair or make-up as she would have it redone when she got to the location. I drove her to the spa and she was still quite jittery. "You okay?" "Yeah, see you in 30." She pecked my lips before getting out of the car a pap snapped her photo and she snuck inside quickly. I went to a juice place and picked us both something up before driving to pick her up. She came straight out as the car pulled up, her skin looked refreshed and she seemed to be a little calmer now. "Ready to go?" She nodded. We were now driving to Malibu where the shoot is. They had two locations, a beach and a studio with various sets in it.

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