I've changed outfits seven times. "You do realise it's just Nell and she's not going to care what you're wearing in the slightest." MK pointed out. "I still want to look nice, it's our first date." "First of many. And it's not like it's a blind date. There's literally no one to impress." "Nell is someone and I have to impress her." "She already likes you. No one to impress." "But she could stop liking me." "I'm sure the colour of your skirt isn't going to change her mind about you," Ash says now entering the room. "It might. What if she hates the colour green." "Your eyes are green." They say in unison. "Maybe she hates them." "She really likes the colour green," MK says. "What?" "It's her favourite colour actually." She continued. "It is?" She nodded. "Yeah. It matches her eyes so." "She has green eyes?" Ash questioned. "They're green but they turn darker almost brown when she's sad," I say casually looking at myself in the mirror. "You notice when her eyes change colour." "It's the only indication I have to know what she's feeling. You know how she is." I tell them. "It's sweet you noticed." I shrugged.
"Green pants white shirt unbuttons some and hair up with your bangs out," MK told me and I nodded and changed quickly they both fiddled with the clothes until they liked the way it was Sat. Perks of having two sisters in fashion. "Now shoes?" Ash asked pulling out two pairs of heels. "The white to match the bag and shirt," MK says making all the decisions I was glad because I have been up here for two hours and I was no closer to being ready and she'd be here in 10 minutes. Shoot. "Hair!" I say panicked. Ashley sat me down and she did my hair in a cute bun and MK fixed my makeup. "We never get to do this for you. It's nice." Ash observed. "Yeah you're always away in LA we could never help you actually get ready." "But now you're dating a New Yorker." "Technically she's from LA lived there her whole life but sure." I correct them. "But she lives here now which is important. We'll get to see more of you." "Until she starts working and leaves for months." "Sorry I decided to do life the other way around to you guys." They acted like children and have a life now. I had a life then and act now.
"You look perfect, Lizzie," Ash tells me and I feel the heat rush to my cheeks. "She's here," MK says looking at her phone. We go into the hallway and MK answers the door when it knocks. My breath got caught in my throat. She looked beautiful. She had a simple black wrap dress on with black heels boots and a red lip. "Hi." She smiled at me. Am I dreaming? "Lizzie don't be rude Greet your date." Ash encouraged. "Hi. You look great." I say. "Thanks. Thought I'd dress up for you." She winked and I blushed more than I already was.
"No funny business." "Have her home by 11." My sister teased her. "Of course." She smirked that smirk will be the death of me. "You ready?" "Just need to get my purse." I go to my room and then the panic sets in. This was a bad idea. What if she decided she doesn't want me and that I'm not enough for her. Or I come with too much drama. Or that she likes Scarlett more. Or anyone in the world more than me and we ruined our friendship and I have no one to talk me down and no one to make me laugh or make stupid annoy comments. I should cancel. Quit whilst I'm ahead that's a thing right?
"Lizzie?" I turn around quickly. "We don't have to do this." She speaks softly. "I want to. I'm scared." I sit on my bed and she moved some clothes before sitting down beside me. "Talk to me." "What if this messes up our friendship?" "More than not speaking to me for three weeks and our busy schedules and living in different states already have?" "Yeah. What if you decide you don't like me. Like this." "I'm pretty sure I like you. I don't ask just anyone on a date."
"Promise me we'll still be friends." "Promise. Now can we go? We're going to miss our date." She says not giving anything away. "Do I look okay?" "You look perfect." She smiled before standing up and stretching her hand out to me I took it and she pulled me up.
She took me out to the car and we drove for a while. "Can you tell me where we're going?" "You'll like it." "But I want to know." "We're going to the theatre." "What!" She just smiled at me. "Nell that's expensive which one?" "David H. Koch in Lincoln centre." "The Ballet?" I smiled. "Yes." "Nell." "Don't worry I have a friend from a while back she got me tickets for tonight. And I asked you on the date so don't worry about the money, please." "Okay."

Coffee Shop | Elizabeth Olsen
FanficMeeting in a coffee shop is a normal thing. Students, business men and women, mothers, friends. But what wasn't normal was meeting Elizabeth Olsen in a family run coffee shop. A budding friendship blossomed into something beautiful but with ex's an...