4: I'm Okay

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I woke up to the sounds of waves rolling into shore and the soft sun pushing through the light coloured curtains. I frowned and rubbed my eyes rolling over onto my back. Where the hell am I? I sat up quickly and looked around my breath speed up until I remembered last night and I started to cry. I'm so embarrassed I can't believe this happened. Robbie made such a scene and I was too much of a baby to go stay in a damn hotel. 

"Elizabeth? Can I come in?" The bathroom door knocked. I wiped my face dry. "Yeah." She opened the door, her hair was in two messy braids. "Are you okay?" She came in slowly closing the door. "Yeah, I'm good." She tilted her head. "Jr and I are going on a run on the beach... You're welcome to stay here mum and Cassie have gone to the store and Tony is checking in with the coffee shop." "Oh, I can go let you get on with your day." "No, I wasn't asking you to leave, Elizabeth." She always spoke softly. "You can join us on the run?" "I don't have anything with me. I should go." "Elizabeth. You're welcome here. Mum would be so mad at me if I let you leave. I can stay in with you." She goes into her closet. "You've been very hospitable but I've caused you enough trouble," I say getting out of bed and looking for my clothes. "I'm so sorry about all the mess I've caused you. You've been so sweet and I just. I..." "Take a breath for a moment. please." I nodded copying her breathing. "I'm sorry." "Stop apologising. You've done nothing wrong." "You're a stranger why are you being so nice to me." "Because it's what my parents raised me to do." I smiled at her. "Don't cry." She tells me, she hesitates before wiping my stray tears away with the pads of her thumbs. 

"NELL! Are you coming?" Jr shouted. "Two minutes changing." She lied she was still in her PJs. "What are we doing Elizabeth?" "Running," I say and she smiled. I laid you some clothes out in the closet." She says before picking the clothes up off the bed. "Help yourself to trainers." She skipped off to the bathroom. 

I changed into the clothes she pulled out for me and picked a pair of her sneakers out and slipped them on she was coming out of Cassie's room at the same time. "Nell let's go come on!" Jr shouted. "Ready to meet the coach from hell?" She teased. "What?" "He's a high school football coach, he takes exercise real serious." She says as we walk down the stairs. "Nell!" He shouted again. "I'm coming geez." She says when she stands in front of him. "Water bottle. Headphones." He handed them to her. "Ankle weights. He knelt on the floor and strapped them to her ankles. "Wow, you're really serious about this," I say watching him. "I told you." He turned to put a pair on me. "No." Nell stopped him. "It's already 8 AM we don't need to torture her anymore." She told him stretching out. 

We walked down to the beach and Jr told up the plan, he held Nell's wrist and did something on her apple watch. "I don't want you to fall behind me, Nell." He warned her. "Come on let's go, let's go. Full sprint first." He told her she looked at me. "I'm so sorry." She said before she started running. He looked at me. "Do you have a personal trainer?" He asked me, we were both still standing at the bottom of the house. "For Marvel yeah but not right now." "Let's get you moving then." He said tilting his head. "Like that? Like her?" I asked pointing at Nell who was like 1/4 of a mile away from him. "For now." "Like right now?" "Do you not Run Elizabeth?" He questioned. "Let's go, let's go." He said I started running to get away from his shouting it was too early for this. "Nell keep up the pace." He said jogging beside her as she slowed down we had run a mile of the beach already. "Nell keep it up. Keep it up." "I'm doing it." She shoved him running off quickly. I was behind them I couldn't keep up and Jr clearly wasn't comfortable enough with me yet to yell at me the way he was with his sister. We ran another mile and then turned back. Jr ran ahead and Nell jogged with me.

"He's intense." "Yeah, I've had that since I was 10... It's been a fun ride." She joked. "He's worse than my PT." "Yeah but he does a great job at getting me moving. Honestly, I run because I just want to get away from him going. "Let's go, Lizzie, keep it up. Pick up the pace, pick it up. Pick it up!" She mocked and I laughed. "We still have the swim. You don't have to do that though." She assured me. "In the sea?" She nodded. "Yeah." "I want to," I say, I love the sea and it's so peaceful out here. The sound of the waves and the beautiful sun was blissful. "Really?" I nodded she smiled. 

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