38: Talks

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Lizzie and I were having breakfast on the beach, it was really tranquil out her and after yesterday it's what we both needed, just peace. Mum took Cassie to school and Tony went with her to avoid him being alone and relapsing, leaving Lizzie and me alone at the house. We both had to work today but at least we had some time this morning to just be still with each other. 

"Thank you for yesterday," I said nudging her with my elbow she smiled at me. "We're a team, you drop everything for me all the time, the least I could do is skip training to make sure you're okay." She says. I still was adjusting to asking for help from her when I needed it. Yesterday I needed her comfort and she gave me that without hesitation. And we actually had a good day despite Tony being Tony..."Want me to drive you to the studio?" She asked me after we sat for a while. "Please, if you have time?" "Yeah, we're not meeting until 1 so I can drop you and head straight there." I nodded. "Thanks." "Mine or here tonight?" "You're going to go to dinner with Scar tonight." I remind her. "Can't you come?" "Nope." "Why?" She whined. "Because Scarlett is your friend and I can't tag along everywhere." "You and Scar are friends too." She pouted. "We are but we don't want to be that couple." "Why not, I want to be that couple. Let's be that couple." I chuckled. "I'll be home waiting for you my love," I say. "Home? My home" I nodded clarifying and she smiled again before pecking my lips.

"We should start getting ready," I say picking up the breakfast things. I reached my hand out to her when I stood up and pulled her to her feet. "How's your back?" "A lot better actually." "Tell him not to push you too hard, I don't like seeing you in pain." She nodded and tucked herself under my arm as we walked up the steps to the house.

I cleaned up the kitchen whilst Lizzie showered and then I went in and she started getting ready. Once we were both dressed and presentable for the workday we got in the car and she drove me to the studio. "Love you, see you tonight." I pecked her lips. "Here take the key." She handed it to me. "Don't want you waiting outside for me to get back from dinner." "Thanks." I slipped it into my back pocket with the rest of my keys. "Love you." She said smiling. "Eat please." "Yes, Mum," I say rolling my eyes as I closed the door facing away from her.


I finished up my last shoot of the day and the studio door rang. I went to the reception to answer it and was surprised to see mum and Tony. They never come here. Mum feels the same way about the studio as I feel about the house. This Studio was a proper set-up, with a reception and waiting for area three different studio rooms with different lighting and props and backdrops. Plus a viewing room so families could come in a see all the photos and then pick which ones they liked best. This is how my studio in NYC was before I sold it and downsized to just one room.

"Hey." I greeted them. "Hi," Mum said hugging me. "What are you guys doing here?" "We had sometime before we had to pick your sister up from Nora's so we thought we'd pop in." I nodded, I could sense there was something else. "You think maybe we could talk?" Tony spoke up. I looked at my mum and she gave me a pleading look. "Yeah, I need to finish cleaning studio 3 so we can go there," I say and mum smiled at me. "Yeah." He walked through knowing his way around this place. "Thank you," Mum said hugging me again. "Just hear him out okay." I nodded. "Are you girls staying over again?" "No, we're staying at home," I say casually. "When do you go back?" "27th... our flights at 7 in the morning." "Will you stop by for dinner again, it would be lovely to have you both over." "I'll have to talk with Lizzie because we're both pretty busy until we head to the city." Mum nodded.

"Nell?" She called when I turned away to go talk to Tony. "Yeah?" "I am sorry about the other week... I didn't mean to reduce your feelings." "I know." "And I'm so happy you told me." I nodded chewing my lip not really knowing what to say. "I'm proud of you for taking these steps, letting us back in." "I did it for Lizzie, no one else," I say bluntly. Mum nodded. "It's still a big step for you Nell. After your dad." "Mum." I wanted her to stop talking. "You have to say it at some point, bug." "I can say it." "Can you?" "Dads dead. He died." I say with no emotion. Mum seemed shocked. "Can I go talk to Tony? Because I'm running out of understanding." "Yes, go, go." She waved me off taking a seat behind the desk.

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