60: Red Carpet

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On our anniversary we were in New York and we visited bow bridge just like we did the year before and then we went back to Jarnie's house and we had a few drinks with them enjoying the NYE.

Tonight was the night of the valentines award thing. This morning we did a breakfast date and went for a picnic in botanical gardens and since then we've been to the hairdresser to get my haircut, Lizzie made sure they didn't cut too much off and watched them the whole time. It was cute how protective she is about it. She loves my hair her hands gravitate to it every time we snuggle or kiss. After that, we went and got facials and a massage which was nice. Then we went home and started to be prepped for tonight.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous though externally I was keeping my cool like I always did. I had to sit still whilst someone that wasn't my girlfriend did my make-up. I liked Lizzie doing my make-up she never put too much on and I could have kisses when I want and I'm not fidgety when I'm in her embrace I can sit still, which I'm finding pretty hard right now. I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Need a break?" "Yeah." "Give us five minutes?" The artist agreed easily and I stood up and walked through the apartment to our bedroom. "You've done 30 minutes." She says. "I hate sitting still." I pout climbing on the bed. "I know but you're doing well." "You're treating me like a child," I say. "You're currently jumping on our bed so it warrants it." "Can I have candy?" "If you sit still for the rest of it yes." "Can you put candy in your purse?" I asked holding her hand as I bounce on the edge of the bed. "My purse is prepped." "Yes." I continued to get my energy out before going back into the main room that has been turned into a large dressing room our furniture was pushed to the walls and there's like 6 strangers in here, two for me four for Lizzie.

I sat for the rest of it on my phone to pass the time, I was talking to mum and Scarlett over text message. Scarlett was trying to plan a night out with some of the girls and wanted to know how long Liz and I are in The city so we can go but we're pretty much booked solid whilst we're here so I don't think we're going to be able to make it. So she's upset that we won't see her before we go. So I'm working out a breakfast date or something so we can see her and Rose. And mum was making sure I was okay with the red carpet thing tonight. I wasn't, of course I told her I was. She was always checking in with Lizzie so if I told her I was freaking out she'd tell Lizzie and then Lizzie will be checking on me and she needs to just relax and have a good evening. She had interviews and stuff so I didn't want to put on her. And I'll be fine. I just had to have a few pictures with her and then sit for like an hour whilst the awards go on and then go home. Well, make sure Lizzie gets to the after-party okay and then go home.

My hair and make-up were finally complete so I went with Lizzie to change I slipped my robe off and got my dress out of the bag and slipped it on, Lizzie zipped it up without me asking and I turned to face her as I smoothed out my dress. "Does it look okay?" "You look beautiful." "You sure, I have a backup." "It's perfect, baby."

 I turn from her and get her dress out and help her into it and zip her up

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I turn from her and get her dress out and help her into it and zip her up. "You ready?" She asked.

 "You ready?" She asked

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