I was doing my first TV appearance since announcing the pregnancy. It was with Jame Corden and I knew it would be a laugh I loved being on his show. I was wearing a dress that showed off the medium size bump, little bug was kicking and moving around and I kept giggling putting my hand on where they'd kick. Nell was talking to her that's why she was wriggling so much, they got so excited hearing their mama's voice.
I was getting nervous about doing an interview again, having had a lot of time off from work and now coming back when I'm pregnant was a big thing. I didn't know what people would think. What the questions would be. I felt Nell's hand rest on my knee whilst she kept talking to one of the crew members. They were setting up ready to film. I looked at Nell and she didn't look at me or bring any attention to me as she always did she just knew I was anxious and knew that her doing this simple act would calm me down slightly. When she finished her conversation she turned to look at me. "You okay, Bug?" I shake my head. She reaches forward and gets my water from the coffee table, silently she unscrews the lip and lifts it to my lips. "It's going to be okay, just a few questions. They're not going to ask about anything you don't want to talk about. You can skip questions." I nodded shuffling closer to her. "Stay," I tell her. I didn't want her to go and leave me out here alone. She looked from me to the camera and back again before pecking the side of my head. "I'll be back okay." I held her wrist tightly. "I promise I'll be back." She says softly standing up slowly. "Bug, keep mummy company." On cue, little bug started to move around making my tummy flutter, I smiled resting my hand on my bump whilst Nell slipped away.
My eyes dart around set whilst I wait. I tried to distract myself for a few moments by talking to Little bug but Nell was back with a mic pack in her hand. "Hook me up?" I smiled widely at her before taking it from her and helping her out. "You're going to do it with me?" She nodded as she settled down beside me.
She held my hand through the entire interview, she answered the questions when she knew I couldn't she made jokes to make me feel more at ease. She was just there like she always was doing what she could to make things easier for me. "Thank you," I say as we walked into the dressing room. She frowned. "For doing that. Staying with me." She smiled. "I'll always be there, Princess." I knew she hated being in the public eye and she did the minimum to avoid being sucked into this world I have to live in and she does it for me. So I knew it wouldn't have been the most relaxing thing for her to do and yet she did it without a second thought because she knew it would make me feel better. "I wish we did interviews together more often," I admitted. It was easier with her there.
And she did, every interview I did she was sat beside me holding my hand answering the questions to the best of her abilities, it was sweet, she loves me so much she would do things she hated for me as I did for her when we went to the gym before the pregnancy or on long hikes around LA.
Lizzie's pregnancy has riddled me with anxiety, I was nervous about her getting hurt, I was nervous about how drained she was, I was nervous about our little bug being healthy, Lizzie being healthy. Not to mention after a conversation with my brother I was now fearing the birth of my child. He brought up this article he read 303,000 women a year die in childbirth... So I could have my little bug in my arms and think my world is complete and seconds later my wife could be dead and the world is a big black hole again. So now I'm not too sure if I want the due date to come faster or if I want everything in the world to completely stop so I could just enjoy my wife being alive and filled with joy because of our little bug and our little bug being safe and well inside her.
I was even more nervous because Lizzie couldn't fly, our doctor advised against it so we're stuck in New York which is fine because one summer in New York isn't going to kill us, yes we miss the beach and the pool and the beautiful sun but New York summer isn't that bad it's still warm, we can go on walks in the park we can get ice cream but it wasn't LA. And Lizzie made it clear she wasn't happy, we've even considered doing the drive but it just wasn't feasible because we'd have to stop every hour so she could pee and walk and eat and it would just be the longest road trip we had ever been on so we decided against it.

Coffee Shop | Elizabeth Olsen
أدب الهواةMeeting in a coffee shop is a normal thing. Students, business men and women, mothers, friends. But what wasn't normal was meeting Elizabeth Olsen in a family run coffee shop. A budding friendship blossomed into something beautiful but with ex's an...