40: Paris

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"LIZZIE! LIZZIE! LIZZIE!" My sisters ran over to me as I sat front row of their show. "Yes?" "One of our models is sick." "Okay," I say not following. "We need you." I laughed in their faces. "Elizabeth please." "No, I'm not going up there. I do not fit sample size." "You could fit sample size if you just come to the back." "I'm not even tall enough." "Elizabeth we need you." "What about the girlfriend." Ashley turned to MK. "Nell? Yeah, she's here somewhere." MK looked around. "She's working." I pull their wrists and they crouched in front of me. "Leave her alone." "No. We need her." MK whined. "She'll be backstage." They both rushed off and I sighed and put my pass around my neck and followed after them quickly to stop them interrupting Nell as she worked.  

They rushed around backstage and I followed them as quickly as I could, they were into Rokh's area and it was empty. "Yes! They've finished!" MK jumps as she begins searching for Nell. When she reentered the room with her eyes glued to her camera they rushed over to her. "Where the hell have you been?" "We've been looking for you." "Come with us." "I am so sorry," I say to her when she looks at me with a bewildered look. "What's happening?" The twins smiled at her creepily and Nell stepped back from their grip. "We need your help and you can't say no because you're dating our sister and if you say no we'll hate you forever." Ashley rushed out. "And we'll make her break up with you," MK added Nell looked at me wide-eyed and I just mouthed I'm sorry to her. "I'm not going to break up with her," I say crossing my arms over my chest. "Oh I know, you ask her." "I'm not asking her." "Fine." Ashley pouted. 

"Nelly, my favourite person in the whole wide world. My love, my light, my happiness my idol." MK says. "Do you need me to take pictures?" She asked confused. "No." "Then I don't do much else." She says her eyes moving between the girls and then to me. "I'm so sorry," I say again. "One of our models is sick," Ashley says as MK takes Nell's camera. "Hey, be careful with that." She held it tightly. "It's my dad's. Stop." She says firmly. MK let go. "We need you to model for us. Just walk in a straight line." She laughed in their face like I did. "Please, you're sample size." "I don't care if I'm fun-sized I'm not doing it. You're delusional for even asking me." She moved over to me. "Save me please." She said hiding behind me. "Nell we need you." "I take pretty, pretty pictures." She explained. "I'm not in pretty, pretty pictures." "Just once, three outfits." "Lizzie." She whined at me. "I Make them stop." "Please leave her alone." I tried. They moved me out of the way. "Nell! We need you, suck it up." Ashley said sharply making the two of us jump. 

She looked terrified as my sisters dragged her through the stages and back to there's. MK went over to some other models and Ashley began undressing Nell. She handed me her camera. "Don't break it." She lent to peck my cheek before my sister pulled her away from me. I held the camera tightly in my hands not wanting to break it. "Go, go." Ashley shooed me off when she bent down and pulled Nell's trousers down. I pouted at her. "Keep it in your pants." A hairstylist came over and undid Nell's bun and a makeup artist started to on her make-up. Her eyes moved around quickly around the busy room my sisters shouting at people. 

"Elizabeth, go take your seat," MK said firmly pushing me out the way. "Nell." She looked towards me her eyebrows knitted in concern as she stood there in her underwear with three different people around her touching her, this must be hell for her. "You owe me." She said with a smile and I smiled back happy she was managing to smile. 

I took my seat and held her camera on my lap, it was special because it was her dad's it was bigger than her other ones looked more vintage and expensive I had my photo taken before I went back to inspecting it. Along the strap her father's name embroidered on it, I traced the lettering. The lights went off and I looked up my sisters came out and introduced their show before disappearing. 

I smiled at Nell it came natural to her she looked amazing she stopped at the bottom letting the photographers do their thing before walking back up. She lead the final walk and it was amazing. She looked stunning. 

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