Chapter 2

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I did the first thing that came into my mind. Run. I sprinted to the opening in the doors "Hey wait!" I heard Newts voice from behind me. He caught up to me and almost tackled me to the ground. "You can't go in there." He got up and dusted himself off and took me to this cage thing. Before shutting the door to the cage thing he spoke to me "Alby will be here to come and get you I'm just a little bit" and then he walked away.
After what a little while an African American boy came over to the cage and stood in front of it "Hey" I jumped up and was startled by his voice."Hey there Green bean. You're not going to run again. Okay?" the boy said. I looked up and slowly nodded. "Yeah" he went over and untied the lock and opened the cage door. "My name is Alby. Can you tell me a bit about yourself? Who you are? Where you came from? Any thing at all?" I looked down at my hands and tried to think. I couldn't remember anything at all. "Can you tell me your name?" He asked. "I can't remember anything. W-why can't I remember anything?" I managed to get out. "Hey it's ok. Just relax. It normal." He said and looked around him. "It happens to us all. You'll get your name back in a day or two. It's the one thing they let us keep" "That boy said the same thing. What does that mean?" I asked him. He ignored my question "What is this place?" He held out his hand to me and said "Let me show you."
Alby helped me out of the cage and we started walking away.
"We eat here, sleep here, we grow our own food, and we build our own shelter ,whatever we need the box provides. The rest is up to us." We stopped walking and I asked him a question "the box?" "Yeah. They send them every month with fresh supplies and a new Greenie. This month that was you. Congratulations" he said. I was confused who? "Sent up by who? Who put us here?"
Alby sighed and looked at me "And that we don't know" I looked around and noticed I was surrounded by boys. "Are there any girls here" I asked Alby. "Actually there are. Namara, Gabriel, and now you" "Ok Greenie we've got three rules.
1. Do your part. We don't have time for any free loaders.
2. Never harm another glader. None of this works unless we have trust.
And most importantly never go beyond those walls. Do you understand me Greenie?" I nodded and we started walking to this boy who looked maybe about 12-13. "Hey Chuck" Alby yelled at the boy. "Will you give our knew Greenie here a tour?" The boy nodded and Alby walked off. Chuck showed me to the room I'd be staying in with the 3 other girls. Chuck started talking and I wandered off towards the opening. "Hey Greenie, you can't go in there" Chuck said and ran to catch up to me. "The maze is a dangerous place." Just as he said that two boys came running out of the maze entrance and when they got closer I recognized one of them. No it couldn't be I'm not supposed to remember anything. "Minho?" The boys slowly stopped running and and came over to me. "Hey is everything okay Greenie?" Alby said coming up from behind me. I nodded my head and kept looking at the Asian boy. "Minho is that you?"

Minho's POV
I looked at the girl infront of me "Am I supposed to know you?" I questioned. As soon as I said that I saw a little hurt in her expression. "You don't remember me?" The Greenie asked. Alby stepped up "Do you know her?" He asked. I looked at the Greenie and thought hard. Just when I was about to say no realization hit me an I looked at the Greenie.
"She's my sister."

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