Chapter 17

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Thomas's POV

I look around, trying to find Kaya and eventually find her sitting with her back against a tree, talking and laughing with Minho. I smile at her excitement as she talks to him, using hand gestures and a lot of grinning. Walking towards them, I hear small parts of their conversation such as: Chuck, Gally, prank, pie, woods and Deadheads. Randomly, a pair of stunning, brown meet mine and they light up.
"Thomas!" Kaya exclaims, jumping up and hugging me.
"Hey." I greet, squeezing her back. I look at Minho to see him making kissy faces behind Kaya's back.
"Save it for your pillow". I mouth back, making Minho smirk as he rolls his brown eyes a little. When Kaya pulls away, she starts telling me a story but I barely listen to it. All I can focus on is her. Her below-her-collarbone length, curly dark brown hair and tall figure captivate me completely. Kaya's thin, but not super skinny, has long legs and defined cheekbones with flawless skin. But my favourite thing about her are her brown eyes, surrounded by long, curly, thick brown lashes. "Tom! Tom! Tommy! Oh shuck, Thomas!" I snap out of it, blushing a little.
"Does Kaya squealing your name make you embarrassed?" Minho teases and I scowl at him. Kaya just laughs, getting the perverted joke behind his words.
"What's on the agenda for you today?" I ask Kaya instead, ignoring the heat I feel on my face from blushing.

Kaya's POV
"Building." I pull a face, making Thomas laugh.
"You mean with your #1 fan?" he teases.
"Yeah. Gally practically worships the ground I work on." I joke. "What about you?"
"He'll be helping me out a bit." Newt says, walking over to us as Minho leaves to go running.
"You guys are gonna have fun," I pout. "No fair."
"What, you can't handle the big bad Gally?" Newt asks.
"No, it's not that. I just don't think I'd be good as a builder." I shrug a little, facing Newt. "Can I please stay with you two?" I beg.
"Pretty please with a cherry on top?" I add hopefully. "I'll do anything you want!"
"Anything?" Newt's ears perk up. "I don't know. I'll think about it."
"I'll be your best friend?" I suggest.
"Now that is a good idea." Newt jokes. "But fine, you can just stay with us."
"Yay!" I cheer, hugging Newt and Thomas happily. "Now can we get some food? I'm starving."
"Even better idea." Thomas chimes in and we make our way to the kitchens.

"But why would Alby go into the maze? I mean, he's not a Runner." Thomas says, playing with his hands. I've been helping cut down some smaller trees for wood with Newt but Thomas is taking a little break. Actually, he hasn't started but that doesn't really matter.
"Things are different now, shuck-face." Newt reminds him.
"He went to re-trace Ben's footsteps." I add.
"Look, are you gonna help?" Newt asks, making me smile a little.
"He's gonna go back to where Ben was just stung?" Thomas repeats.
"Alby knows what he's doing. He knows better than anyone." Newt assures him, but it seems to give Thomas even more anxiety.
"What does that mean?" he asks.
"Right..." Newt pauses, looking up. "It's like you've heard, yeah? Every month, the box sends up a new arriver. But someone had to be first, right? Someone had spend one klunk month in the Glade alone. That was Alby."
"It can't have been easy." I add, sitting down next to Thomas.

"Figuring out where he is, how he got here and why he can't remember anything. But I guess after the next couple of boys arrived, he started seeing the truth behind things."
"He learnt that the most important thing is that we all have each other. Because like it or not shank, we're in this together." Newt states and Chuck and Thomas make short eye contact.
"You take a break, okay?" Thomas says to me, before taking the knife in my hand and smiling at me, before getting up to help Newt and Zart.
"Yeah, there you go Greenie." Newt encourages, slightly teasingly. I admire my view a little and Chuck nudges me, sending me a knowing look.
"What?" I ask innocently. "I'm a straight girl in a place full of guys." I remind him.
"I hope all girls are like this." Chuck says happily, forming his small figurine. A gush of strong wind makes me look up at the sky, to see the clouds moving.
"Is it about to rain?" I ask suddenly.
"Can't." Newt denies. "It's never rained in the Glade before." He adds to my confusion. "The Creators just get water to pump up to our crops so we don't really need.

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