Chapter 12

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After Thomas nearly punched Gally for trying to get to the showers while I was showering, I change into the clothes I came in and towel-dry my wet hair.
"Thank you." I acknowledge, purposefully not looking at Gally.
"You were holding up a place that is supposed to be for multiple Gladers at once. That's selfish an-"
"I'm really not in the mood for this." I tell Gally, frowning. "So let's pretend you got to the part you called me an omen and that I'm ruining everything. Okay?" Without looking back, I grab Thomas's hands and pull him away from Gally.
"Sure. Make the guy hate you even more." He mutters and I laugh lightly before we bump into Alby.
"I have something I'd like to show you two." Alby tells us. He leads us to one of the walls and I look at it to see names carved into the stonewall. Carefully, I reach forward and trace some of them. "Peaceful here... isn't it?" Alby asks rhetorically. "Well, believe it or not, it wasn't always like this." My ears perk up and I listen intently to what he's about to say. "There were dark days. We lost a lot of boys to fear, to panic. And we learnt from that. Established order... made peace."
"Why are you telling us this?" Thomas asks, his voice a little husky from sleep. If the moment weren't so serious right now, I swear I have no idea what I'd do...

"Because you're not like the others." Alby reminds Thomas. "You're curious. But you're one of us now. You need to know what that means." Alby takes a knife out of his pocket and my eyes widen. As if by reflex, Thomas stands in front of me, protecting me.
"Calm down," Alby chuckles. "I'm not going to hurt you." He holds out my hand and places the knife in it. Alby then motions to the wall and we step forward.
"What happened to them?" Thomas asks.
"Like I said..." Alby trails off, his tone slightly pained.
"Dark days, Tom ." I finish for him, knowing Alby probably lost a lot of boys he cared about. Thomas nods, holding his hand up before slowly beginning to carve his name into the wall. When he's done, I do the same thing. Once We're done, We walk towards Frypan's kitchen area and Thomas and I get some food. As we eat, nobody says anything. It's almost as if nobody needs to say anything, because we both have so many thoughts racing around out minds. I think back to my dream and try to remember something - anything. I remember the woman: blonde hair and a white coat. I remember the white room with one whole wall made of thick, transparent glass. But I don't remember the woman's face, or anything else about the dream. I don't even remember when that was, or how old it was. Was it even a dream...?

"I'm going to assume that you're Kaya?." I look up and see the cook: Siggy - also known as Frypan - smiling at me.
"Actually, I'm Thomas." I joke, earning a little grin from Thomas himself.
"Alright. Well, Alby asked me to tell you than you and Kaya are with the Track-Hoes today" Frypan explains.
"Sounds good!" I say, getting up and bidding Frypan goodbye.

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