Chapter 31

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I lead everyone back to Alby's room in the Med-jack house.
"Alby," Newt starts, crouching down so he's sitting next to Alby, but looking him in the face. "Alby, are you alright?" Alby looks more tearful than when I left him earlier. He isn't moving either, just staring straight ahead.
"Hey Alby," Thomas kneels down in front of him, trying to catch his attention. "Look, we might've just found a way out of the maze." He explains. Negative points for bad timing... "You hear me, we could be getting' outta here." Alby shakes his head slowly, before speaking.
"We can't. We can't leave."
"What are you talking about?" Thomas asks.
"I remember." Alby states, and Thomas looks over at Gally with a confusion expression, before facing Alby again.
"What do you remember?" Thomas questions.
"You." Alby says. "You were always their favourite, Thomas. Always." Noises outside distract most of us, but tears start streaming down Alby's face. He isn't sobbing or anything like that. Not even frowning. Just crying. "Why did you come here?" he continues. I get up and walk from the room, trying to figure out what's going on. Newt looks torn, but reluctantly follows us all as we leave the Med-jack house.

"What's going on?" I ask a Glader who's rushing around worriedly.
"It's the doors - they aren't closing!" Winston answers for the panicking boy, and I realize that he's right. It's already dark now and the doors haven't closed. Most of the boys are running to the opening of the walls, trying to figure out what's going on as they hold up their fire torches. Silence envelopes the Glade as we all stand there, waiting. An unanticipated noise makes everyone jump, and Thomas covers my ears with his hands. I wince, shrinking back towards his body as I look over at Newt, to see him trying o figure out what's going on. More noises erupt and everyone's heads whip up. The walls are opening. Yes, opening. The large entrance is getting larger and larger by the second.
"Chuck, I want you to go to the Homestead, okay? Start barricading the walls." Thomas orders.
"Winston, you with him." Newt adds and the boys disappear.
"Get the others. Tell 'em to go to the forest and go hide. Go. Now!" Gally orders, pushing the boys to leave.
"I want you to grab every weapon you can find." Thomas tells Minho. "Bring the council with you." Minho agrees and the Council disappears too.

"Kaya, you and I are gonna get Alby, okay?" I nod, not able to say anything else. "C'mon." A loud screeching sound makes us look up and I gasp at what I see. "Alright, everybody hide!" Thomas screams. It's a Griever... "Kaya!" he grabs my arm and pulls me with him, since I was in such shock I couldn't do anything. Everyone starts sprinting as fast as I can and I'm surprised to see that I can match Thomas's quick pace easily. We all make it to the woods and stay completely still, silent and unmoving. A loud scream makes us whip our heads to the side. It's a girl's scream. A loud clicking sound makes me look up and I gasp. Namara looks up too and the Griever's large, metallic arms/legs grabs the girl.
"NAMARA!" Thomas and Newt scream, trying to hold on to the farmer. But She's already pulled away from us.
"We need to get out of here, now!" Thomas orders and we take off into another run. We run through the crops so that we're unseen and I see Gally help some Gladers into the box. He closes it after himself once there's no one else around. "Alby!" Thomas exclaims when we see Clint and Jeff carrying him from the Med-jack house. "They're here."
"The Grievers?" Jeff asks in disbelief. More screeching sounds echo around the Glade, followed by human screams of terror. "Thomas, what do we do?" Jeff inquires.
"Run!" Thomas orders and starts pushing us away from the nearing Griever. "Go, go, go, go, go!" We sprint forwards before ducking as a Griever smashes the Med-jack house completely. My arms fly over my face to protect it from any damage and we all get up again.

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