Chapter 39

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That afternoon, Thomas and I are dragged out of the pit by two Builders. I see Gally crossing out Alby's name on the wall before he watches the boys drag Thomas and I towards him.
"This is such a waste." Gally speaks as a boy holds my arms crossed behind me. I stare at him, and Thomas doesn't say anything. He just looks down, pretending to be guilty, and tired. Minho, Newt, Jeff, Winston and many more Gladers are all standing around us, watching what's happening.
"Gally." Winston speaks up, earning the boy's attention. "It doesn't feel right, man." He says with a small shrug.
"Yeah, what if Thomas is right?" Jeff agrees. "Maybe he can lead us home." I look from Jeff to Gally, who steps forward with an emotional face. I can't tell what emotion it is, but every Glader here looks dirty, tired and frightful.
"We are home." Gally explains, raising his eyebrows. "Okay? I don't wanna have to cross any more names off that wall." He points. That's my cue.
"You really think banishing us is gonna solve anything?" I ask, glaring at Gally.
"No." Gally shakes his head, confusion me. "But this isn't a banishing." He adds, looking down. "It's an offering." My eyes widen.
"What?" I question as the boy holds my hands above my head, tying them to the wooden post. "What're you- Gally! What're you doing?!" I turn my head around, craning my neck as I try to see the boy.

"You really think I'm gonna let Thomas back into the Maze after what he's done?!" Gally shouts, pointing his finger angrily at Thomas. I wince as the boy tightens the knot on my hands and bite my lip to keep myself from crying out. This kid must reeeally not like me. "Look around you!" Gally continues. "Look at our Glade!" He points at the destroyed Homestead. "This is the only way." I see Newt nod at Minho, signaling the start of our plan. "And when the Grievers get what they came here for, everything goes back to the way it was." Gally explains.
"Are you listening to this?" I demand. "Why are you all just standing there, he's crazy." I state. I don't yell it and I don't whine. I keep my voice calm and firm.
"Will you shut up?" Gally asks.
"If you just stay here, the Grievers are gonna come back." I remind everyone. "They're gonna come back, and they're gonna keep coming back until you're all dead."
"Shut up!" Gally orders. "Tie him up." He motions to Thomas and two boys walk towards him. "D'you hear me? I said tie 'im up!" Gally shouts.

They grab Thomas but he elbows one of the boys in the abdomen, grabbing the other's staff and hitting him with it. Newt steps forward and cuts the rope off of my wrists and Minho holds his to Gally's back, making sure he doesn't move. Two unconscious boys are lying on the floor, Newt stands next to Thomas and Thomas is holding the boy's staff in Gally's direction. Chuck comes running towards us, carrying loads of bags full of supplies and I stand next to Thomas after Frypan hands me a knife as well. Minho gives Gally a threatening look, inching closer towards us.

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