Chapter 13

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"Has anyone ever tried climbing to the top?" Thomas asks as he does some Gardening, standing with Zart and Newt. I'm on my break so I've just been talking to them both. I notice Zart looking up at Newt with a serious expression, and Newt's face momentarily goes blank.
"Tried it." He replies.
"The ivy doesn't go all the way to the top." I conclude, looking at the open doors of the maze. "And besides, where are you going to go from there?"
"Unbelievable." Zart speaks up. "How do you know these things?"
"Common sense, I guess?" I shrug a little, not really knowing how my brain processes and makes sense of these things so quickly.
"What about the Box?" Thomas suggests. "Next time it comes up you just jump in-"
"No, we tried that." Newt interrupts. "The box won't go back down with someone in it." I drag my eyes away from Thomas's muscular arms, shaking the thoughts out of my mind. What the hell are you doing, Kaya?!
"Well, what if we-"
"No, we tried it," Newt laughs a little through his words, though it doesn't sound humorous. "Alright? Twice! Anything you can think of, we've already tried it. The only way out is through the maze. Now look, you wanna be helpful?" Thomas nods a little and Newt reaches down to pick up a basket. "Go dig us up some more fertilizer."

I bite my lip to hold in a laugh as Zart openly does so. Thomas drops his shovel and walks away, holding the basket and walking towards the woods. Newt chuckles, shaking his head a little as Thomas is out of sight.
"I'll be back in a second." Zart tells us, making Newt nod his head and get back to his work. Silently, I stand up and make my way to Newt's side.
"What you were saying about climbing those walls... Does that mean that you personally have done it?" I ask, hesitantly. Newt drops whatever's in his hands in shock before he turns around to face me.
"Sorry?" he breathes, eyes widen in surprise or fear - I can't tell.
"I'm sorry. It's none of my business but... Have you?" I question.
"Look," Newt starts with a sigh. "My life at the Glade is a long sob story that's not worth telling."
"I'm your friend, aren't I?" I remind him. "To me, it's worth it." A moment of silence passes and I'm just about to turn around and drop the subject when he takes a deep breath and starts talking.
"Up until about a year ago, I was a Runner." He explains. "And I hated every second of every day." My heart sinks a little at his words. "Everything I said or did was an act. I hated the maze, I hated this Glade and I hated myself for being here. So one day, I just thought it might be good to end it all." My eyes widen and different emotions hit me all at the same time. "I even failed at doing that." He continues, sadly. "When I jumped off the maze walls, my leg got caught on some ivy and I injured my leg badly. I'll probably never be able to walk properly again."

"Newt, I didn't kno-"
"I've adapted to it." Newt interrupts me. "I don't feel sorry for myself anymore. I know my actions were stupid. What I really hate is that I have this limp to constantly remind me of how depressed I constantly felt." Without a word, I wrap my arms around the lanky boy in a hug.
"I'm sorry, Newt. I shouldn't have pushed it out of you." I apologize.
"That's alright. Feels good to get it off my chest. Only Alby and Minho know the real story." Newt confesses.
"What're you two shanks on about?" Zart asks, returning with another Track-Hoe.
"Just about lunch today." I lie, making sure to keep my voice neutral so that it's believable.
"Good that." The other Track-Hoe says. "Best meal I've had in all the years I've been here." I'm about to reply when a piercing scream cuts me off.
"HELP!" My eyes widen and I look over at Newt.
"Thomas." I breathe, becoming slightly dizzy all of a sudden.
"HELP!" Thomas comes into view, running for his life as another Glader chases him.
"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" the boy yells and I realize that it's Ben - the friendly Runner I met when I came with Minho and Chuck. Ben tackles Thomas and growls, trying to hurt Thomas. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" His arms wrap around Thomas's neck and I sprint towards the two.
"Kaya!" Newt yells and someone holds me back.
"Let go of me!" I shout, struggling in their grip. Newt runs over and hits Ben with the shovel, making him fall off of Thomas's body.
"Hold him down!" Newt orders. "What are you doing?!" he demands.
"Calm down, Ben!" Gally adds, as five Gladers hold Ben down.
"What the shuck happened?!" Frypan exclaims and whoever was holding me down finally lets me go. I sprint towards Thomas and help him up, trying to help him steady his breathing.
"He just attacked me!" Thomas exclaims.
"Hey, are you okay?" I ask quietly, my heart pounding in my ears. Thomas nods and I take his face in my hands. "Are you sure?"
"Y-yeah." He stutters and I nod, letting go. What the hell just happened?!
"Calm down Ben..." Newt repeats and the boy finally stops resisting their grip as he slows his breathing pattern.

The Maze Runner {Thomas love story}Where stories live. Discover now