Chapter 15

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Kaya's POV
"I said not to bring the Greenies." Alby speaks, walking towards us and looking at me, sternly.
"Alby! Can you please tell them this is ridiculous?" I ask.
"I'm sorry, Kaya." Is all Alby says and I frown. Looking at Newt once more in horror, I drop his hands and walk towards Thomas, who's now standing a couple of meters away from the others. Minho comes too, holding Ben with one hand and pushing him forwards.
"Listen to me." I hear Ben growl. "Please listen to me! Please Minho!" Minho doesn't crack, just pushes Ben to the open doors. Minho then drops Ben to his knees and puts him down.
"What's going on?" Thomas asks me, grabbing both of my hands in a reassuring manner. I gasp as Ben falls to the floor, coughing up blood. I cower towards Thomas, who wraps his arms around me, still looking at Ben. I rest my head on his chest as I turn my head to watch as well, not being able to think of anything else.
"No, Minho please, please don't, please don't do it!" Ben cries. Minho throws a bag into the Maze for Ben. The rattling noise of the walls closing sounds and I feel myself tearing up. I don't even know Ben and I feel like I have to protect him from his fate.
"Minho!" I try to shout. "Please!" But Minho just frowns at me, giving me a pitiful, sad look.

"Poles!" Alby yells, and everyone points their poles at Ben, cornering him. Chuck walks away, not wanting to see it but I find myself not being able to look away. Ben stands up and tries pushing his way through the poles, though I can tell it's not going to work. I let go of Thomas and run forward, but he catches me again and refuses to let go of me. "Move in." Alby orders and they all walk forward, pushing Ben further towards the maze.
"No, please!" Ben screams over and over again, but nobody stops. I struggle harder against Thomas's grip as Ben is pushed through the gap in the walls and has no choice but to walk into the maze.
"STOP!" I shout, but of course, nobody listens. The last thing I hear is Ben's scream as the maze walls close and I turn around and cry into Thomas's chest. He wraps his arms around me, rubbing my back soothingly but by the way his chest is moving, I can tell he's suppressing tears himself. Starting with Alby, everyone rests their poles against the walls and looks at Thomas and I.
"He belongs to the maze now." Alby explains.
"Alby, this isn't right." I state, but he only shakes his head.
"I know it feels like that, Kaya. But it's for our own good." Minho tells me, reaching forward to place his hand on my shoulder. I just shake my head, turning around and walking away from the boys.

That night, I hear the sound of metal against stone and I assume that some Gladers are crossing out Ben's name on the wall.
"Do you think he might make it?" I ask in a quiet voice. I'm sitting on my hammock as Gabby and Namara sit there and Thomas sits down next to me, his eyes glistening with tears that he never let fall.
"Ben?" Gabby asks. "No." She answers sadly. "No one survives a night in the maze. We've just got to forget about him." Then, Gabby rolls over in her hammock and tries to sleep.
"How can you just forget about something like that?" Thomas asks me.
"I don't think you do." I admit. "I think... it just gets easier to think about it." I feel myself tear up again at how sick and helpless Ben looked. "'What did we do to get here?" I hiccup through tears.
"Hey," Thomas whispers, hugging me again. "It'll be okay."
"Will it?" I question. "Because I'm sure Ben thought he'd be okay. Look where he is now."
"I can't do anything about that now." Thomas reminds me. "But I swear, I will protect you from whatever's in that maze with my life. Okay?" I nod my head after a moment, breathing out a sigh.
"I feel like all I do is cry and all you do is hug me." I admit as I pull away from his grasp.
"That's not true. I was the first one to cry." Thomas points out, making me laugh a little.
"Yeah, I guess so." I recall. Silence fills the Glade that's illuminated by a small fire.
"Sleep well, okay?" Thomas says and I nod my head again. Tentatively, he leans over and kisses my cheek, before climbing into his own hammock.

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