Chapter 19

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The rain clouds disappeared a while ago, and a lot of things are still dripping a little with water droplets that collected on the object. But nobody pays attention to any of that. Because we're all standing by the walls, waiting for any sign of Minho or Alby. All we can hear is the slight chirping of a few birds around the Glade, and the eerie silence of our nerves. I'm standing at the front of everyone, next to Newt and Thomas. Chuck is on the other side of Thomas, constantly looking up and the older boy.
"Can't we send someone after them?" Thomas breaks the silence, as usual.
"It's against the rules." Gally answers, his voice almost soundless. "Either they make it back... or they don't.
"We can't risk losing anyone else." Newt elaborates, rubbing his own arm. The usual slightly roaring noise, followed by a gust of wind sounds and my heart drops into my stomach in the most uncomfortable and disappointed way. I raise my hand to cover my face, like every other Glader.
"Oh no." Chuck says as the doors start closing. Though they seem to be closing even slower than any other day. Maybe that's true - or maybe I'm just imagining time tick by much slower than on average.
"There!" Thomas exclaims, pointing.

Everyone followed his gaze and we see two figures.
"Wait no, something's wrong." Newt observes, and I look a little closer.
"Alby's injured." I breathe out.
"C'mon Minho you can do it!" Chuck yells and everyone else starts cheering as well.
"You've gotta leave him!" Gally yells at Minho, but I know that he has no intention of leaving Alby behind.
"They're not going to make it." Newt says and Minho yells out, tired and pained from dragging Alby along. Someone grabs my face and I look up to see that it's Thomas. Abruptly, he placing his lips gently on mine, kissing me. My eyes widen and I don't have the time to react because Thomas already pulled away.
"I had to do that at least once." And with that, he turns around and runs into the maze.

"Thomas, No!" Chuck screams and Newt reaches forward to grab him, but misses because he's too fast. I step forward to run after him, but I'm held down immediately.
"Let go of me!" I yell, practically kicking and screaming. I yelp, struggling against the person's iron grip. The stone doors close and realization hits me like a brick. "THOMAS! MINHO!" I scream at the closed doors, hitting them over and over again, as if to somehow magically open them. My breathing speeds up by the second and I'm moments away from bursting into tears. "Thomas..." I whisper, my voice cracking slightly. The person that's holding me wraps their arms around me and shushes me, trying to mollify me.
"I'm so sorry." By the accent, I can tell it's Newt so I close my eyes, forcing any tears away. "Thomas. Minho." I whimper.
"I know, Kaya. I know."

"Hey Chuck." I greet the boy. He's been as torn up about Thomas being in that maze as I've been.
"Hi." He says glumly and I sit down next to him.
"I could have stopped him." I say suddenly. "I should have stopped him." I corrected myself. "How could he do that to me?!" I suddenly blurt. "Who says 'I had to do this at least once' and then gives a girl the best kiss she can remember, before running into a shuck maze with monsters that he might now make it out of?! And now Thomas and my brother are stuck out there in that bloody maze"
"Thomas." Chuck states and I smile a little, lightly pushing the boy. "Can you sing to me?" he asks and I furrow my brows.
"Can you sing to me?" he repeats.

Newt's POV

I walk towards the Homestead to find Kaya and stop myself when I hear her talking to someone.
"Can you sing to me?" Chuck.
"What?" she replies.
"Can you sing to me?" Chuck says again.
"Well, I don't remember if I'm any good, Chucky." Kaya reminds him.
"Doesn't matter. Please?" he asks and she chuckles.
"Okay. There's this one song that's been in my head for a while anyway." She admits before clearing her throat and singing words. She's a really good singer; her voice is very elegant.

"You stand there with your hand on my waist line,
It's a scene and we're out here in plain sight,
I can hear them whisper as we pass by,
It's a bad sign, bad sign,
Something happens when everybody finds out,
See the vultures circling dark clouds,
Love's a fragile little flame, it could burn out
It could burn out

Cause they got the cages, they got the boxes,
And guns,
They are the hunters, we are the foxes,
And we run
Baby, I know places we won't be found,
And they'll be chasing our tails tryin' to track us down,
Cause I, I know places we can hide
I know places."
Kaya stops singing and I smile a little, before I realize what the song is about.
"Is that about you and Thomas?" Chuck asks, puzzling everything together as well.
"What?" Kaya laughs a little. "Thomas and I aren't in love."
"I thought that's why you were so sad. And why he kissed you." Chuck points out, causing the room to go silent for a moment.
"I guess I'll never really know, will I?"

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