Chapter 32

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A large Griever is standing right in front of us, moaning and whining. The thing is a horrific slug-like creature with long, tin teeth, crazy eyes and metallic limbs. It also has something that looks like a large injection, and I realize that's what is must sting Gladers with. My eyes land on a jar with a candle inside and I grab it, flinging it at the Griever - hard. It screams as it sets on fire and we all take off running again, all of us helping to carry Alby as much as we can. More Grievers keep entering the Glade by the minute, and they all have long tails, like a massive scorpion would.
"Get behind me!" Thomas screams, pushing everyone behind him to protect us. "C'mon!" he yells at the Griever, luring it closer to him.
"Over here!" Someone yells and spears are thrown at the creature, making it writhe in pain.
"Over here, c'mon!" I look closer and see that it's Chuck, standing outside the Homestead. We run into it and shut the door before the Griever can get in. I hear the sound of metal clashing against wood, but nobody else says anything. That's when I realize it.
"It's on the roof." I whisper. "With it's weight... it's probably going to-" One o the Griever's legs appear and we scream as the creature begins to break through the roof, making its way into the Homestead. It grabs Chuck and I scream. "CHUCK!" Three of us grab onto the boy, pulling him away from the Griever.
"Chuck, don't let go!" Thomas yells.
"No shit!"

Suddenly, the leg let go of Chuck and I see Alby cut one of them clean off as he fights the creature away, yelling loudly in pain at the same time.
"Chuck, you okay?" Thomas asks and I kneel in front of him, inspecting the young boy for any damage done.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He says, but Chuck's panting and he looks terrified. "Thanks Alby." A splitting sound comes and I snap my head up
"ALBY!" I scream but it's too late; the Griever grabs him and lifts him off the floor. Thomas grabs onto his arms, but I can see Alby's trying hard to not be ripped to shreds.
"Thomas! Get them out!" I hear him say before the Griever drags Alby away.
"NO!" Thomas screams, running out of the broken Homestead.
"Thomas, stop!"
"Don't, Greenie!"
"THOMAS!" I shout, running after him. Newt, Chuck and Frypan follow me and I stop, dead in my tracks, as I see the Glade. Little huts have burning fires on them. Three figures are walking towards them and I only recognize the fastest walker when it's too late.
"Gally-" Gally cuts Thomas off by punching him in the face. Everyone gasps and begins to hold Gally back.
"Woah, woah!" Frypan tries to calm Gally down.
"This is all on you, Thomas! "Gally yells. "Look around!"
"Just calm down Gally, just calm!"
"You were one of 'em!"

"He's one of 'em, and they sent 'em here to destroy everything!" Gally keeps shouting as he struggles in everyone's grip. "And now he has! Look around Thomas!" I see Thomas look at the ground, as if guilty for something. "Look around! This is your fault!"
"He's right." Thomas says quietly and I shake my head.
"Maybe this is my fault." He cuts me off. Thomas spots the Griever stinger in Chuck's hand and grabs it, running his hand along it.
"Thomas..." I say again and he turns the needle towards him, before stabbing himself with it. "THOMAS!" I scream and everyone lets go of Gally, to rush and help Thomas. He falls to the ground and I kneel next to him, shaking him, as if to somehow wake him up. Newt and the Med-jacks look after him and I stand up, walking towards Gally. "Are you happy now?!" I shout at him, angrily shoving him. "Look what you did!" I add, taking all of my anger out on the boy.
"Hey! Calm down!" His voice gives him away and I immediately know that it's Minho trying to get me to relax, wrapping his arms around me. It's almost like this just keeps happening. Like a habit. Thomas does something stupid, I fall apart and Minho tries to hold me together like a big brother should.

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