Chapter 44

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Gally looks terrible, to be frank. He's dirty, with dark clouded eyes that have tears welling in them and looks unfocused. There's something off about him. Only as Gabby steps forward do I notice the blood stain on his shirt.
"Don't." I stop her, gently placing my hand on Gabby's arm to hold her back. "He's been stung." I explain. Gally drops the GPS Griever key in his hand, shaking his head.
"We can't leave." He states, the gun in his right hand shaking along with the rest of his body. I feel my pulse pick up, anxiety filling my mind and a horrible feeling settling itself in my stomach. This isn't Gally. In fact, the Gally I've known since I came to the Galde isn't Gally. It's WICKED's version of Gally.
"We did." Thomas reminds the boy. "Gally, we're out. We're free." Gally's face turns more red by the second and he looks and sounds like he's about to start choking.
"Free?" he echoes, pointing at the exit. "You think we're free out there?" The veins in his neck are a dark, prominent colour that is anything but natural. "No." Gally denies, shakily raising the gun in his hand. "No, there's no escape from this place." Thomas raises his hands in front of him, partially for his own protection, mostly in surrender towards Gally, showing that we mean no harm towards him. Chuck squeezes my hand and I barely even realize that he had grabbed it in the first place.
"Gally, listen to me." Thomas coaxes. "You're not thinking straight."

"You're not." Thomas continues. "Now, we can help you. Just put down the gun." He pleads. Gally lets out a choking sound, his face still turning red.
"I belong to the maze." He manages to splutter.
"Just put down the gun." Thomas repeats.
"We all do." Gally ignores him, shooting the gun.
"NO!" Chuck yells, stepping forward just after Minho throws his spear, lodging it into Gally's chest. I gasp, holding my hand in front of my mouth. The spear clearly well, speared him exactly where the boy's heart lies. The left of his chest. Gabby opens her mouth like he wants to say something, but closes it, not being able to form any words. I can relate to that. Gally chokes and crumples to the ground, falling on his knees first before eventually hitting the floor on his right side, his body going rigid, his eyes empty.
"Thomas." Chuck breathes out and we all turn to face him. Blood spreads along his chest and I realize that he took the bullet for Thomas.
"Chuck." Thomas gasps, catching Chuck as he falls. I fall to my knees, sitting opposite Thomas, on the other side of Chuck. Thomas presses his hand to the wound. "Oh shit, shit." He mutters and I rest Chuck's head in my lap, trying to give him some sort of comfort. "Look at me, Look at me!" Thomas orders, trying to keep Chuck conscious. "Oh shit. Chuck, look at me alright? It's all good buddy, just look at me!" Thomas orders, multiple emotions flashing through is eyes. I feel a pain in my chest, knocking any breath I had out of me as I try not to cry. Chuck's dying.
"It's okay." Chuck assures us. "Thomas... Kaya..." Chuck pulls out the little figuring of himself and Thomas starts freaking out.

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