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She was finally doing it, huh? Finally escaping this hell. They would never expect her do it this way, would they? Either way they couldn't stop her now. She wasn't their's. She wanted to be her own again.

She could already see it. It was like finally leaving a dark hole after a long time. A hole she had been in for too long.

If only she wasn't being that desperate, so reckless.

Her name. She could hear someone calling it. It was them. Them, the ones she wanted to escape from.


Izuku was dressed in a suit, colored in his recognizable  green color. The design was specially made to resemble his hero costume, without looking like costplay. Y/n was watching the hero with interest.

Not once did her eyes leave Izuku, only when he had undressed did she leave him alone. In written form she had previously admitted to like the color Izuku was wearing. Apparently it suited his hair. He didn't quite know what to answer to that, besides a bashful 'thank you'.

Y/n was seated on Izuku's bed, watching him as he fitted his outfit to see if everything fit right. She had been too nervous to stay alone in her room at the time. No matter how much she reassured him, that she'd be fine with Bakugou, she wasn't fooling Izuku. She was nervous and scared, that was for a fact.

"What do you think, Y/n?" he asked as his eyes meet hers in the mirror. For a moment she thought, then hopped off the bed and slowly walked around him, inspecting him all around. Finally she halted, smiled up at him and gave him two thumps up.

"Well, I'm glad." He rubbed his neck.

Right after she left him again, so that he could change again and meanwhile she could change too. Izuku had told her to bring something with her to kill some time. He had already learned that she liked to draw. Over the time she had been with him, he had found her doodling some sketches here and there and they were honestly not bad.

Quickly he packed his suit in garment bag to be transported without getting wrinkled.

Y/n came back a few minutes later, wearing a thick coat as well as a new pair of boots, that Izuku had just recently bought for her. On her back she carried a red backpack.

"Ready to leave?" She nodded.

"Let's go then."

Together they stepped into the elevator. Funny, because to be exact, had Y/n only been in it a few couple times. The times she had left the apartment being two times in total.

Outside the wind blew, the ground was covered by a thick layer of powdery snow. Y/n didn't immediately follow when Izuku stepped into the snow. But then she took a big leap and landed with her boots crunching under her, in a spot where the snow was still even. Leaving footprints brought a smile to her face. Another thing Y/n liked. Izuku had to keep that in mind.

Side by side they walked to Izuku's car. Immediately when inside did Izuku turn on the heater, so that they wouldn't freeze.

The ride to Tokyo was quiet, only the sounds of passing cars disturbing the silence. Y/n followed with her eyes the passing vehicles or the ones they passed when Izuku pressed on the speed pedal.

Izuku's gaze landed on her hands, both placed on her lap, her left hand's fingers tightly pressing the nails into her palm's skin. With his right hand he took hold of her left, in doing so snapping her out of her dissociation.

"Be gentle with yourself." he spoke softly, gently untensing her fingers.

He returned his focus to the road ahead.  Eri was gonna get to Tokyo separately, since Mr. Aizawa insisted on bringing her himself.

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