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Despite the warmth, which should comfort her, she felt cold.

No matter the effort to get more warm, the cuff around her ankle would always make her feel incredibly cold.

Every move caused a jingling sound to come from the chain attached to the cuff.


Izuku was not only physically drained, but also mentally right now. Why did the universe decide to make his day harder than necessary?

On top of that came the extrem frustration of the events this afternoon's. Three villains dying through a heart attack at the same time was just weird, and it didn't end there. No, before Izuku had returned home he had gotten a call from Uraraka, telling him that other members of same group had died the same way.

Light Yagami, you there?!

So they were left with no source of information and no-one to interrogate, which was pretty frustrating.

At this point Izuku wasn't sure what to expect when he unlocked the door to his apartment.

He was greeted by silence. A disturbing silence just like the day before. Therefore Izuku should be worried, which he infact wasn't.

He wasn't feeling anxious whether Y/n had made a run for it this time, because he was pretty damn sure that she was somewhere silently sitting in his apartment.

First his feet carried him to the kitchen, him wanting to check if she had ate this time. And relief as much as surprise swelled up inside him when he saw, that apparently she did indeed eat the food he had prepared for her this morning.

Maybe there was still a chance that this day would end relatively good?

The next thing he wanted to do was check on Y/n herself. The issue though was, that he didn't want to scare her, which often unintentionally happened.

The best he could think of doing, was walking a tad bit louder, not in an aggressive manner, only with a bigger volume, so she would be able to hear him approach.

A gentle knock, followed by him slowly opening the door, he saw her sitting on the bed, covered by a blanket.

Despite the blanket the position she sat in looked quite uncomfortable when one sat too long in it. Her gaze was fixed on the wall, as she still hadn't spared Izuku a glance.

However when she finally did take notice of his frame in the door, her eyes pearked up, her body jerking, her hands tightly gripping onto the fabric of the blanket.

But as she realized who was infront of her, recognizing the hero's face, her muscles untightened, her shoulders slumping down.

"It's me, Izuku. Don't worry, Y/n. It's just me." He resurringly stated, and it seemed to do its magic as Y/n nodded her head slowly.

His next words were somewhat awkward.

"I'm proud that you ate, Y/n!" Despite the awkwardness he smiled at her. What, was he her father, or what? That wasn't the case, but either way he had to express that he was happy that she had eaten.

Y/n's face to that turned downwards, a small blush creeping itself on her cheeks because of the praise. Another small nod followed.

"Are you hungry?" Her gaze now turned to something like worry, guilt and maybe even slight panic. Debating on what to do next her brows turned up in a frown.

Eventually she nodded again.

Well if she was expecting anything bad to happen, Izuku definitely got that idea out of her head as he smiled and  turned to walk away. She followed him.

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