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A frigid wind was slapping against a frail, delicate body. A single figure trying to fight against the harsh wind, struggling not to topple over and submit to the screaming tiredness in their muscles. The hard concrete cut open naked feet, leaving a stinging in their foot's sole, only worsening the temptation to just give up.

The figure was slowly running out of breath from the never-ending flight. Throat and skin were burning, the unending hissing through the pain as the only sound disturbing the wind's rage. The chilly air felt like needles penetrating their nerves, like some sick method to make them bend to nature's will.

Far away in the distance, lights were made out -- belonging to a city. The sight of different colored lights illuminating the darkness of the night seemed so foreign, unnatural to their eyes that they needed to blink a few times before realizing that they were very much real.

The limping figure was already beginning to fear the noises they would be faced with when they were to reach the city.

They knew the familiar static silence that had accompanied them for so long. Occasionally, soothing words had been spoken to her, although they had always terrified her more than soothe.

She had long forgotten the sensation of her ears being tickled by overstimulation. She had forgotten what a crowd felt like. She had all completely forgotten what actual life looked like.

Shaking arms wrapped around a scarred body, the figure internally bracing themselves for what was to come as they had finally run away from the hell they had been in.


Izuku was extending Black Whip to catch the flying van the villain had ruthlessly propelled into the air.

As the villain finally realized that there was no chance of winning a fight against Japan's number-one hero, he tried to run in a last desperate attempt to not get behind bars.

However, was his way suddenly blocked off by a gigantic wall of ice created by the ice and fire hero Shoto, who enabled Deku to snatch the now frozen in fear villain before he could do more harm. With his right arm's Black Whip he secured the villain, while his left brought the flying van back to solid ground.

The arrival of the police and the arrest itself was a blur to Izuku. By now he was used to the entire process. The police briefly talked to him and Shoto, thanking them for their heroic act of saving the citizens once again. Izuku had at some point stopped listening, not because he had not been interested but because his mind was racing with theories of the usefulness of the villain's quirk, had he not chosen to get violent with his quirk.

After the police had departed, the two heroes turned their attention to the observing and cheering crowd. Izuku loved interacting with his fans, taking pictures, giving signatures, or even hugging a few of the many youngsters among the crowd.

Everyone loved the hero. How could they not? He saves everyone without a second thought, always jumping to the rescue without a moment's hesitation. On top of that came his lovely persona. Shoto was not as intimate with his fans as Deku yet still open towards kids.

It took about an hour for Izuku and Shoto to get away from the scene that had previously been the stage of today's media-circulating villain attack.

The two were now on their own, walking side by side through the streets of Musutafu, only taking a short stop to get takeaway.

In the end, they found themselves on top of the tallest building in the whole of Musutafu, sitting down to enjoy their food in peace while watching over the busy streets of the city. Around lunchtime people usually would leave their workplace to get their lunch, which explained why the streets were flooded by hundreds of figures.

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