Can I ever forget?

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Soft tapping could be heard a few rooms ahead. Almost incomprehensible to the untrained ear, yet all too clear to the trained pro hero.

Half-asleep, he assumed it was someone attempting to break in, someone who was particularly skilled at keeping quiet. Izuku shuddered as he bolted up, his eyes blurry from sleep.

If it was a mugger, why did his danger sense not go off? He scolded himself, by smacking his palm against his temple.

He groaned as he untangled himself from the blanket, "You don't live alone, stupid." 2.14 a.m., according to the clock. It's not uncommon for him to be startled awake by Y/n wandering around.

She attempted to be subtle, but she couldn't deceive the trained hero's hearing when it came to stealth. And that usually resulted in guilt.

He was slipping silently down the corridor, making sure to leave enough power in his footfall for Y/n to hear him approaching. Izuku could see her form through the opening in the door, as it was always cracked open. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he watched her curled-up figure's chest rise and fall in much too brief intervals. She was wide awake.

"Y/n?" Izuku called quietly, but received no response. Either she didn't hear him or she was trying to act sleeping, which she failed miserably at with her short, sucked in breaths.

The latter was far more plausible. Knowing that Izuku was quickly approaching. He knelt beside her, curled into a ball on the bed's edge form,  face turned to him. And indeed she was awake, as her eyes stared back at him.

For a few moments, they were both silent, the only sound in the room being Y/n's heavy inhaling and exhaling, that were sucked in, in a matter of seconds.

Izuku straightened then squooped up Y/n effortlessly, while sitting down on the mattress of her bed.
"I'm sorry," she hushed. Her voice was still rarely used, which explained why it sounded so raspy.

"You have nothing to apologize for. I'm here to take care of you, remember?" he spoke as he adjusted the comforter for her and himself.

"Nightmare?" She was humming. Her head was now tucked into the crook between his shoulder and chest, her hand clutching his shirt tightly.

"Wanna talk about it?" Despite knowing the answer, he kept asking in the hopes that she would ultimately open up. She never did.

"That's alright," he said in response to her no that sounded only like an 'o'.

"Can you—tell something?" Even with her voice cracking mid-sentence, he understood her.

"What do you want me to talk about?"

"I don't care. Something funny, maybe." Izuku had found it both perplexing and embarrassing that she seemed to find comfort in his ranting. She hadn't been able to actively participate in conversations for quite some time, but seemed to be more of a listener in general, so it was mostly a one sided conversation.

She had asked him to talk about something just a few nights before. He had described his graduation day.

Something funny? He wasn't sure what had been funny in his life, but he suddenly remembered all the embarrassing moments from his high school days that made him instantly laugh.

"When I was taking my entrance exam, I tripped and almost fell face first on the concrete." For a brief time, Y/n was still, her gaze fixed on Izuku, before a unexpected sneer echoed from within her.

"Yeah, and Ochaco was the one who saved me," he muttered as Y/n fought to hold back a giggle.

"Really?" as her head rested on his shoulder once more, she inquired.

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