Second Meeting! :D

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The next day, you were off work and you face palmed yourself. So, you punched in Dan's number reluctantly, waiting for him to pick up. There were 4 rings before his beautiful voice came on.


You squealed a little when you heard, but then stopped yourself and cleared your throat.

"This is Y/N from the Apple store!"

"Oh, hello!"


"Is there a problem?"

"No, it's just that I'm off today and everything...."

There was a pause before he answered.

"I see. We can meet somewhere...if you want to."

You held back a scream.

"U-Uh, sure. Where to?"

"Come to my house. I'll give you my address!"


You arrived with the laptop almost passing out. You can do this! You took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

It was a couple seconds before the door opened and there was Dan, smiling.

"Hello there Y/N. Nice to see you again!"

You smiled and shyly said hi.

"I..laptop..fixed!" You stuttered out. He chuckled and took it from you. "Come on in. My roomate Phil's not here so it's just me!"

You nodded as he opened it and started checking for anything.

"Wow! It's completely fixed!" He exclaimed. "You're like my hero!"

You blushed and said thanks as he put the money in your hand.

"I"m rewarding you with a dinner."

"Oh, that's oka-"

"NOPE! You're having dinner with me tomorrow at 5."

You wanted to fangirl so much.

"Oh! Okay then." You waved bye as you walked out the door. After you closed the door, you squealed and jumped up and down in excitement.

You loved your job.


You were at an airport, flying off to America for a week to see your best friend, F/N. Your flight was delayed, and it was early in the morning.

You were about to doze off in your sleep, until you heard a fun, lighthearted voice.

"But remember that one time we went to Disneyworld? I'm terrified of rollercoasters, Dan!"

"Suck it up Phil! Rollercoasters are awesome!"

Phil then spotted you and waved. "Oh my gosh! It Y/N!" He was about to run over to you but tripped on his bag.

Your eyes widened and you ran over to help him.

You and Dan grabbed his hands and pulled him up. "Thanks."

You heard a squeal from the other side of the airport.

"Oh my god! Dan and Phil!"

You turned around and saw 3 girls running towards you. You stepped to the side and watched them bombard them with questions.

It was about 10 minutes the girls talked to Dan and Phil before they left them alone.

"Wow.." You breathed, looking at them. "Is that what you have to go through?"

"Yeah, but you get used to it. So, tell me where you're going!"


"I am too! Do you want to sit next to Dan and I on the plane?"



You, Dan, and Phil got to know each other more until the plane arrived, and you 3 sat next to each other.

"Which state are you visiting?"


"Really? So are we! Do you want to go to Disneyworld with your friend and us tomorrow?"

You chuckled. "I would be delighted to."

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