When You Get Caught Making Out

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You and Dan were at your house, looking through baby photos.

"You look really cute!" Dan cooed. You blushed and smiled at him. "Yeah, I was, wasn't I?"

He leaned closer. "Nothing's changed." He kissed you roughly.

You kissed back, and soon enough, a make out session was created.

Meanwhile, Y/F/N had just gotten off work and was with Phil. She wanted to visit you for a little while, and she had your house key.

You can imagine the look of surprise on her face when she saw you two making out, and Phil's face. Both covered their eyes.

You and Dan pulled away, blushing and facing away from each other.

Phil took this opprotunity, with his girlfriend right behind him.

"I hope you guys used protection!" Phil snickered. Dan glared a death glare at him.

"Yeah, I have better things to do than babysit!" Y/F/N added. You stuck your tongue out at her. While Dan tried to kill Phil, you and your friend were also going at each other like a lion and a tiger.

Lets just say, that night, everyone went home mad.


You were in the car with Phil, parked in front of a fast food place, both of you in the backseat.

Dan and his girlfriend were buying the food, leaving you and Phil alone. It was night time.

After a minute, Phil turned to you and held your hand.

"I love you, Y/N." Phil smiled.

"I love you too." You grinned and kissed him. Unexpectedly, Phil didn't break away, and things started getting heated.

Dan and Y/F/N were back with the food. When they saw you two, both of them started laughing.

"Go Phil!" Dan yelled, getting in the car.

You and Phil both widened your eyes, breaking away, a string of saliva connecting you two.

This made Y/F/N laugh even more, and you and Phil blush even more.

"Next time, not in a public place." Dan chuckled, strapping in.

"In Phil's bedroom, maybe!" Y/F/N retorted, making her and Dan burst out in laughter as the car started. You crossed your arms and looked out the window.

"You don't understand!" Phil exclaimed. You looked over to him with an eyebrow raised.

"I got bit by a spider and she was sucking the venom out!"

Dan snorted. "The only thing she was sucking was your face."

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