When It's Your 22nd Birthday (Dan) (50th Chapter Special)

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50 Chapters already?? Dang.
And I did it all for you guys! I plan to do at least 10 or so more chapters before this book ends, and maybe a sequel.
Yes this is another one shot. I'm sorry, but it was getting really long
~ Love Y'all! ♥♥♥

You, of course, took the day off from work. Taking advantage of this, you decided to sleep in. Dan, on the other hand, woke up extra early because he needed to get you out the house for your party.

Super Phil came to the rescue!

You woke up at 9 in the morning, awakened only by the ringing of your cellphone. You got irritated when you saw Phil's name.

"Phil, I'm tryna sleep! This better be good."

"Well, happy birthday!" He chimed. You raised an eyebrow.


"Secondly, it's an emergency and I need you to come over here ASAP!"

"W-What happened?"

"Just come over!" He hung up.

You immediately jumped out of bed and rushed to put your clothes on. You were out the door within 10 minutes.


"Phil!" You yelled, pounding on the door. "It's me, Y/N!"

Phil opened the door. "Oh Y/N, you're here!"

"Yes! What's wrong? Is P/Gf/N hurt?"

He shook his head.

"Come in and I'll show you!" He ushered you in. You looked around.

"Y/N! Oh, thank goodness you're here!" P/Gf/N wailed dramatically. "Please help me!"

"What?!" You started getting impatient.

"I'm going somewhere tonight, and I can't pick a fashion choice!" She held up two hangers with clothes on them.

You facepalmed. "The one in your left hand. I'm out of here!" You threw your hands up and started walking out.

"Wait! Don't go!" They both yelled at the same time. You raised an eyebrow.

"Uhh... we need to go shopping for tonight! You're coming with us." P/Gf/N smiled innocently.

"But I don't want to-"

"TOO LATE!" She yelled, dragging you out to her car.


"Hmm...no. Too flashy." She looked you over when you came out the dressing stall. You groaned.

"That's the fourth outfit I've tried on!"

"Here try this one on!" She shoved another outfit towards you. She panicked as she looked at the clock. It was only 12, and you had to be there at 5! She couldn't make you try clothes on forever.

You came out again and twirled around.

"Perfect! Lets go buy it!" She smiled, pushing you back in to the dressing stall to go get into your regular clothes.

After you bought it, you were ready to go home.

"NO!" She screamed. People started staring.

P/Gf/N cleared her throat.

"What I mean is, it's your birthday darling! You should be able to enjoy it." She looked around. "Look, a spa!"

You sighed. "Won't that cost a lot of pounds?"

"Nonsense Y/N! Now come on!"


While you were getting your pedicures, P/Gf/N got a call.

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