Chapter 10 - What the Fuck!

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Almost two weeks have passed since I suied Aurora and the last I saw her at my business office.

Even though her lawyers are trying so hard to negotiate some deals for me to drop this case but the truth is I dont want to drop this.

I wanna watch her suffer as she pays me with all of her money.

Which of course would never be enough.

Because I got some plans for her.

Ophelia rushing to my office while holding a candy broke my thoughts as she began shouting, "Daddy, Daddy! Look what mom got me!"

I stopped doing what I was doing as I picked her up into my lap, watching her show me her candy as she smiled at me.

"Oh honey, what did I tell you about eating too much candy?" I said softly in Ophelia's ear as she no longer shone with joy and tears filled her eyes.

Watching her made me feel bad. Fuck, why do I have to ruin everything. I thought. I watched Ophelia jump from my lap and start to run.

"I didn't mean that-" I sigh as I watch her run away.

I muttered "Fuck" as I ran after her but stopped short when I saw Valentina hugging Ophelia. "I'm sure daddy is only concerned about you, baby."

Valentina is now staying in New York with us because her house got caught on fire. I mean I'm glad she is fine but her coming to my penthouse without my permission is messed up.

"Valentina, what are you doing here?" I said as I walked up to her as I tried to grab Ophelia's hands, who refused and hid behind Valentina.

"What do you mean, what am I doing here?"

She lifted Ophelia into her hips. " I am her mother and I have every right to be here."

"You-" I sighed and began talking because there is no way this woman just came to my penthouse without my permission and just began to use the ' I am her mom' card on me.

"Val, I have a lot of things going on today and you shouldn't be here today. You're her mom, I know you are, but we both have what time we can spend with her, and today isn't your day, so I'd prefer you leave now before anything goes wrong."

"Was that supposed to be a threat or something cause the last time I checked I am her mom and I gave birth to her-"

"AND I'M THE GOD DAMN FATHER!" I sigh as I realize Ophelia is still here.

"Baby, please go to your room," I said to Ophelia who had tears in her eyes.


"Ophelia de Luca, please go upstairs."

"No, I wanna stay!" she said as the tears in her eyes began falling as Valentina started holding her tight.

"Val, let go of her so that we can talk about this like adults"

"No! She needs to see how bad of a father you are"

" Oh, Now I am the bad person"

" Yeah you are, if you could have just not divorced me, we could have been given Ophelia the normal family that she always wanted!"

"So now you're blaming me for not giving her a normal family?"


"Unbelievable," I said as I scoffed while I ran my hands down my face.

"You- You have the nerve to blame me while YOU cheated on me, cheated on this family?"

"WELL, YOU COULD HAVE FORGAVE ME!" She said as tears filled her eyes




" There's nothing wrong with me, I am just stating the fact that you ruined this family, not me."

"GOD! You are full of shit." I said as she started smirking.

" You are crazy," I said before snatching Ophelia from her as I wiped Ophelia's tears from her beautiful face.

"Please leave, I don't want you near my child and If you don't understand we can deal with this in court"

"You mean our child, in a matter of fact my leaving wont be necessary because if you read these forms it shows that I have full custody of Ophelia and from now on I will be her only guardian in her life."

She said as she pulled out a brown envelope to give to me as I read the papers that state that she has custody.

"What this- WHAT THE-"

"Oh also, you should say goodbye to our baby because in like a couple of seconds prepare to get locked up," she said as she check her watch while talking.

"What do you-" I got cut off by the police who entered my penthouse.

"Hello, I'm looking for Lorenzo de Luca." said the police as Val pointed to me that I am the person they are looking for.

"Mr de Luca, You are being arrested for abusing your ex-wife and your child." the police said as he stood in front of me.

"Wait what?" I said as the police went and stand behind my back.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you..."

I stood still as the police put the handcuff on my hands as everything the police were saying became muffled.

I saw Ophelia who is now crying hard as she began talking but I couldn't hear what she was saying. I made eye contact with Val who started smirking.

I felt how my heartbeat started racing and dizziness coming over me as the two police hold my arms that are behind my back as we all started walking out of the penthouse.

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