Chapter 18 - The hospital

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It's been hours since the nurses took Aurora to the room as Theo and I wait in the waiting room.

When aurora pass out in my arms at theo's house, I told him to call the ambulance as I tried to wake her up.

As soon as I saw the blood and bruises, I was confused about what had happened to her as I tried my best not think about the worst case scenario.

My rage is boiling as the doctors coming outside the room and going back to the room not telling us anything.

Even though I know Aurora and I don't see eye to eye but the thought of losing her makes me sick to my stomach.

And I don't even fucking know why.

"Fuck sake, why aren't they telling us anything!" I said in frustration as I kept rubbing my forehead while walking back and forth.

"I think you should go to the washroom to freshen up." Theo said as he stood up placing his hands on my shoulder.

I mean we both have been here for hours but I haven't even go to the washroom to change because I have blood all over my shirt.

"No, I'm good" I said quickly as I push his hands away from my shoulders.

He was about to answer but a girl with blonde hair and is dress in a blue jeans and a white crop top came to us.

I think that's Aurora's friend who is my lawyer. I'm pretty sure her name is Riley but to be honest I don't care I just hope my baby is alright.


I thought as I brush that out my head as Riley or whoever her name was started talking. "Is she alright? What happened?"

She asked as I ignored her and sat down while tapping my foot on the ground waiting for the doctor to come outside.

"We don't really know what happened, she showed up to my door passed out while having bruises and blood all over her body. That's the reason why I called you since you're her friend."

"Oh wow, thank you guys so much for bringing her here it really means a lot."  As soon as she said that one of the female doctor taking care of Aurora came outside as two male police man walk to her.

I stood up and went to her asking what is going on. "Is everything ok?" I asked hoping everything is alright.

"Yes, but the police has some questions that he needs to ask who ever brought her to the hospital."

"Yes I did, I mean me and him did " I said to her while I pointed to Theo who wave at the doctor and the police.

"Well, if don't mind me asking" one of the male police said "how did you guys find her?"

"Uh, she came to my house with bruises and blood on her self but before we could ask her any questions she past out and we brought her here." Theo said as he stood next to me.

I began to worry as the police and the doctor gave each other looks.

"Why?, It's everything ok?" I asked as they ignored me and asked all of us a question.

"What are all of you guys relationship with Ms Daiz?" One of the the male police asked.

"Well, I'm her friend" Riley spoke up" and these are also her friends as well." She said hesitating while pointing to both me and Theo.

I started to get angry as the doctor and police started giving each other faces and not telling us anything.

"Can you guys please tell us what is going?" Riley said

"I can't tell you guys anything because you guys aren't a family member or a guardian so-"

I slowly clenched my jaw and fist as I started to become angry.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EVEN MEAN!?" I screamed angrily making the female doctor to flinch as the police man place their hands on their gun beside their pockets.

"Lorenzo..." Theo said while I ignored him.

" Sir, you need to clam down otherwise we might have to kick you outside." One of the police man as I tried my best not wise my voice even though I'm raging on the inside.

The female doctor was about to say something but one of the nurses came outside.

"She's awake."

I was about to go inside the room as one of the police man stop me. "I'm afraid you're gonna have to wait sir."

As tempting as I was to punch the police, I tried to listen to him since I don't wanna be kick out and I really wanna see her even if she doesn't want to.

As tempting as I was to punch the police, I tried to listen to him since I don't wanna be kick out and I really wanna see her even if she doesn't want to

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